甚麽是複調音樂和主調音樂?What is polyphony and homophony?

很多學習唱歌的朋友都不是太了解複調音樂和主調音樂~ 就讓Sing And You給大家講解一下吧:


主調音樂,是以一條旋律為主要樂思,而其他部分通常作風為和聲因素處於服從、陪襯、協作的地位。大致與歐洲音樂進入古典時期的同時,主調音樂也取代了巴洛克音樂中復調音樂的主要地位,成為主要的音樂思維形式。海登、莫扎特、貝多芬以及所有浪漫派作曲家,總體傾向上是主調音樂。 但複調音樂在他們的作品中仍然佔有重要地位。可以說,沒有任何業一位大作曲家是不掌握複調技術的。直到今天,依然如此。複調音樂和主調音樂經常結合起來運用。

Most of you may not understand polyphony and homophony. Let us at Sing And You tell you more it!

In music, polyphony is a texture consisting of two or more simultaneous lines of independent melody. An example of polyphony is the third movement of Mahler 9th symphony.

Homophony, on the other hand, has one dominant melodic voice accompanied by chords.


While you may hear two or more lines in both polyphony and homophony, in homophony one line is more dominant than the others.
