Preparation on the ‘Big’ Day 在大日子的應有準備

Preparation on the ‘Big’ Day


The so call ‘Big’ day is the day we need to perform. Since these chances are precious, we should even do our best. The following steps can make performers have a good state before on show.

Firstly, we can close the door of our room at home to exercise ourselves and see whether we are in a good state. For example, some simple stretching exercise. The aim of closing the door is make ourselves focus and leave other disturbances outside the room.

Secondly, after warming up our body, we also need to exercise our instruments. That can be our voices or any other brass instruments and string instruments. If it is our voices, then we can do some vocal practices. If it is an instrument, then we need to tune them.

Thirdly, we need to choose a set of clothes for ourselves. Since they are not casual tee-shirts or jeans we wear normally, they should be more ceremonious so as to respect the occasion. Take the clothes out and iron it to make it look tidier.

Lastly, practices awhile in front of the mirror. The reason why we need to practise in front of the mirror is that when we are looking at the mirror, we care our facial expression the most. This can let ourselves know our faces when it is show time, just like having a trial show, imagning there are many audiences watching us.

Book A Trial / 預約試堂 :

所謂的大日子就是我們要上台表演的那天。 因爲這些機會並不是經常有,所以我們更加應該做到最好,以最好的狀態演出。以下幾個步驟,能令表演者在正式演出前有最好的身心狀態。









Book A Trial / 預約試堂 :
