Enjoy SAYMusic Singers’ performances in “Super Baby” New Year Gala. 音樂實踐家小歌手陪伴你渡過春節!2019《超強寶貝》少兒春晚童星


Enjoy SAYMusic Singers’ performances in “Super Baby” New Year Gala.

  還有數天便到農曆新年了,首先預祝大家新年快樂,身體健康!不知大家在開年之際又有什麼活動計劃,去慶祝這段喜氣洋洋的日子呢?近日,為了今年的春節,我們Sing and You的三位學生Tiffany, Jayden, Farrah則遠征北京,參加了《CCTV超強寶貝2019》全國少兒才藝表演節目錄制。播映時間將會盡快公布!

Chinese New Year is around the corner and Sing and You wishes you a wonderful and prosperous new year! We are sure you are filled with extensive plans to celebrates the cheerful festival. As for us, three of our Sing and You young singers, Tiffany, Jayden and Farrah have recently finished shootings in Beijing for CCTV’s youth talent show “Super Baby 2019”. The air date will be announced soon.

Book A Trial / 預約試堂 : https://www.singandyou.com/book-a-trial-class

全國選拔 名星陣容

  三位年輕小歌手早在2018年便接受Sing and You的舞台特訓。在上年年底通過《超強寶貝》導演組的全國海選,終於獲得機會參與2019年度《超強寶貝》少兒春晚節目,在全國觀眾面前一展所長,以歌聲震懾人心。

A national stage with star mentors!

Our young singers have been receiving professional stage training since last year. After passing the nation-wide audition by “Super Baby”’s director team in 2018, the three gifted students have forged through the competition and won the chance to perform on screen!


“Super Baby” New Year Gala is an annual Chinese New Year extravaganza that celebrate the strength and variety of young talents in China. It is a rare opportunity for young children where they could meet A-list performers and actors in the industry and receive professional guidance.

Book A Trial / 預約試堂 : https://www.singandyou.com/book-a-trial-class

舞台活躍 音樂實踐

  作為香港資深聲樂教練譚順生Steve Tam的學生,三位年輕歌手無論在唱功,台形還是心理素質方面都訓練有素。Steve的教學風格專業全面,清晰且突出重點。在超過三十年的歌唱事業生涯中,無論在教學、表演抑或評審方面,Steve都擁有豐富的實際經驗。在精益求精之餘,他希望給予學生的,是最真實及具參考價值的舞臺歌唱指導。

A practitioner of music and stage

As the professional vocal couch Steve Tam’s students, the three young singers excel in both skill and mentality. Steve is dedicated in providing all-rounded training with clear and concise focus. In 30 years of professional career in the performance industry, Steve has rich and concrete experience in singing mentorship, live performance and contest adjudication. His experience and unique teaching method allows him to offer realistic and authoritative guidance on young talents.

  三位小歌手當中,Farrah為Steve最資深的學生,無論在Sing and You的表演舞台上還是公開比賽的競爭舞台上都有豐富的實戰經驗,實力亦在穩步上升。Tiffany與她的弟弟Jayden則是Sing and You中嶄露頭角的年輕學生。Tiffany早於12月已在太古城的聖誕舞台參與表演,正迅速地吸收舞台經驗。年僅4歲的Jayden更是第一次在人群面前表演!欲知這群小明星表現如何?你就不能錯過《CCTV超強寶貝2019》!

Farrah is the senior of the three SAY singers. She has rich experience both in Sing and You performance events and open competitions and is improving with every new stage experience. Tiffany and her brother Jayden are our budding new stars. In December, Tiffany’s voice has shone in the Christmas stage in Taikoo Cityplaza and is rapidly absorbing new experiences. Jayden, the youngest of the three, is just three years of age and has made his stage debut in the event. If you wish to witness their performance, don’t forget to check out “CCTV Suepr Baby 2019”!

Book A Trial / 預約試堂 : https://www.singandyou.com/book-a-trial-class

童星主場 夢想種子


A stage for young stars!

“Super Baby” is a national young talent show on air since 2017. The production team holds open audition on over a hundred cities throughout China and invites thousands of young talent to enroll the final performance in front of a live audience. The show gives opportunity to young talents to receive first-handed guidance from A-list performers in showbiz. It gives our future stars a platform to develop their multifaceted talents and encourage the further generation to dream big.

Book A Trial / 預約試堂 : https://www.singandyou.com/book-a-trial-class
