Letting children to learn singing FAQ #3

Letting children to learn singing FAQ #3

讓小孩子學唱歌 問與答#3

Q3 : How does a vocal class work?

Q3 : 聲樂課是如何運作的?

To warm up their voice, children should start with some simple stretches and posture exercises. Then work on their breathing exercise by practicing it with hissing, buzzing, humming and on long “ah”s. All these exercises gives them feeling on how voice lessons work and provide them short, achievable goals to accomplish. All these reviewing of the stretches, posture, breathing and hissing at the beginning of each lessons will be served as a warm-up that gets their body and mind in the “zone.”

After setting the foundation for the lessons, children will be taught about intonation (i.e. singing in pitch). From hearing pitches and intervals properly(i.e “ear training”) to reaching the notes with their voice properly (“placement”). The key to ear training is to start from around their speaking pitch and find out their matching pitches through solfege and repetition. Once they can match some single pitches, start to work on a 5-note scales. Solfege syllables provide the child with a framework on which they can place the immaterial pitches without confusing them with letters or numbers that have other meanings.

Book A Trial / 預約試堂 : https://www.singandyou.com/book-a-trial-class




Book A Trial / 預約試堂 : https://www.singandyou.com/book-a-trial-class
