小歌手 - 他的麥克風魔法棒 Little Singer - His Microphone Magic

SAYMusic Andy Roar by Katy Perry


個子矮小但卻精靈的 Andy 小歌手使出了屬於他的麥克風魔法棒,搖身一變,有如老虎強大的聲音及自信,加上身體語言唱出katy Perry 的Roar。

Andy, a scrubby but smart young singer, masterly used his microphone magic wand to make a different, like the tiger who possesses a strong voice and full of confidence, plus his body language to sing Katy Perry’s “Roar”.

个子矮小但却精灵的 Andy 小歌手使出了属于他的麦克风魔法棒,摇身一变,有如老虎强大的声音及自信,加上肢体语言去唱出katy Perry 的Roar。


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Music by Sing and You and Recording


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Studio Experience

Each of the students will be required to record a song in the studio so as to gain practical recording experience.

Program Fee:
Book a Trial Class at 96981248

