唱歌以外:趣談二胡 Beyond Singing: Erhu


這是什麼樂器?它就是中國二弦樂器 — 二胡。二胡是只有兩根弦和一把弓,再配合指法便能拉奏出不同音域的古式樂器。二胡是屬於高音域的樂器,更能模仿人的聲音如「冤枉」等。它在中樂團中是不可缺有的角色。

你孩子喜歡音樂嗎?最直接去讓他們愛上音樂的活動就是唱歌!只要找到好老師和好方法,每個孩子都能成為小巨肺!如果你對唱歌有疑問,不如約一堂歌唱班,讓聲樂導師幫你解決唱歌上的問題吧!歡迎來電查詢: Sing and You +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp).

Image courtesy: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BA%8C%E8%83%A1

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We have been talking a lot about how to sing and how to sing better! What about if we learn something other than singing? These few blog articles will introduce you to a number of interesting Chinese instruments!

Wonder what this instrument is? Thi is Erhu (二胡), a Chinese traditional bowed instrument. Erhu only has two stringed fiddles. It can be used in Western music, such as jazz, rock and pop, etc. what’s more, its sound can be really similar to our voice.

Do you children love music? One of most direct ways to nurture their interest in music is teaching them to sing! Every kid regardless of their vocal quality can excel in singing provided the right singing techniques and vocal coaching. Come to us for a trial session and let our vocal coach bring you professional solutions in no time ! Call Sing and You +852 21461188 or Whatsapp us 96981248.

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