Tips on Singing by Microphones: Understanding 唱歌的用咪方法-了解

Singers often use their mic and sing on stage. Singing with proper mic techniques and understanding the design of microphones is very important. Different microphones are designed to pick up voices from different ranges. Some may collect sound from all directions while some are only able to collect sound in a limited range. Spending time to find out the type of the mic you are using can definitely help you sing better. Come to Sing and You and sing on stage together! Enquires: 2146-1188

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歌手經常需要使用咪高峰唱歌。有正確的米高峰技巧,了解自己所使用的咪是很重要的,不同的咪高峰有不同的收音設計,有的能收集來自任何方向的任何聲音,有的只能收集特定範圍內的聲音。多花時間了解一下表演時運用的咪,唱歌表演時便能做得更好。來SIng and You學習,在舞台上表演吧!查詢及預約試堂:2146-1188
