深入學習音樂 Going in-Depth in Music Learning


而學習音樂理論就要靠專業的聲樂老師了。熟悉音樂理論不但令你唱歌更上一層樓,更加令你知道一首歌背後蘊藏的旋律。學懂後,連唱和聲都不成問題了。所以還不快點聯絡sing and you唱歌學校+852 21461188/ 96981248(whatsapp),體驗一下成為專業音樂家的滋味?

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Singing isn’t only about hear and sing, the knowledge inside is definitely beyond your imagination. Learning scales, chords, different types of notes, and timing can let you have a better understanding of music.

If you’re interested in music theory, then you have to find a vocal teacher. Familiarize with it is not only help you sing better, but also tells you the main melody of a song. Afterward, you can sing harmonies. Contact sing and you +852 21461188/ 96981248(whatsapp) to get more information.

Book a Trial 預約試堂
