Singing Boost Language Development 唱歌促進語言發展

Singing is more than just music. It also fosters our language development. Before we sing, we have to fully understand the lyrics and meaning of the song in order to express the whole message of the song. We also have to pronounce the words well so that the audience can listen clearly what we are singing. Therefore, singing not only enhances our musical skills but also our language skills at the same time. Come and learn singing and language together at Sing and You! Enquiry: 2146-1188

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唱歌不單只是培養音樂才能,也能促進語言發展。唱歌前,我們必須充分了解歌詞和樂曲的大意,才能演繹整首樂曲的訊息。我們也要確保發音準確,咬字清晰才能令聽眾享受表演。因此唱歌絕對能培養孩子音樂和語言的能力。來SIng and You與我們的聲樂導師一同進步成長吧!查詢及預約試堂:2146-1188
