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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam

Sing a Song to Thank Your Aunt for Being a Second Mommy to You!唱首歌感謝你的阿姨像第二個媽媽一樣照顧著你吧
Sing a Song to Thank Your Aunt for Being a Second Mommy to You!唱首歌感謝你的阿姨像第二個媽媽一樣照顧著你吧 First Vocal Lesson New Zealand Student You Raise Me...

First Vocal Lesson New Zealand Student You Raise Me Up
First Vocal Lesson New Zealand Student You Raise Me Up ft. Vocal Coach Steve Tam AGT Celine's Father Parent...

When They Say You Can't, Show Them You Can With Your Singing 當他們說你不行,用你的歌聲告訴他們你可以
When They Say You Can't, Show Them You Can With Your Singing 當他們說你不行,用你的歌聲告訴他們你可以 學唱歌 - Speechless SAYMusic Australia Kaitlyn 跟 AGT...

Make Your Life a Masterpiece,Do It With Singing唱歌讓你活出最精彩的人生
Make Your Life a Masterpiece,Do It With Singing唱歌讓你活出最精彩的人生 學唱歌 - You Raise Me Up by SAYMusic US Bianca 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve...

We Were All Raised by Music,Let's Now Dedicate to it!我們都被音樂所撫育,讓我們現在獻身於音樂!
We Were All Raised by Music,Let's Now Dedicate to it!我們都被音樂所撫育,讓我們現在獻身於音樂! 學唱歌 - You Raise Me Up COVERED by SAYMusic Zuzanna - 跟AGT...

Words make you think.Music makes you feel.A song makes you feel a thought.文字讓你思考,音樂讓你感受,一首歌讓你感受一個想法
Words make you think.Music makes you feel.A song makes you feel a thought.文字讓你思考,音樂讓你感受,一首歌讓你感受一個想法 Vocal Coach Reacts to You Raise Me Up...

When You Nurture Your Voice For Singing,You Grow As a Person too當您培養唱歌的聲音時,您個人也會成長
When You Nurture Your Voice For Singing,You Grow As a Person too當您培養唱歌的聲音時,您個人也會成長 Vocal Coach AGT Celine's Father teaches girl's better...

Appreciating Other's Strength and Learning from Their Weaknesses Help You Succeed欣賞他人並從他們的弱點學習助你成功
Appreciating Other's Strength and Learning from Their Weaknesses Help You Succeed欣賞他人並從他們的弱點學習助你成功 聲樂老師評價Marcelito Pomoy You Raise Me Up...

Start Singing!The Sky is the Limit 開始學唱歌吧!宇宙是你的極限
Start Singing!The Sky is the Limit 開始學唱歌吧!宇宙是你的極限 學唱歌-You Raise Me Up Covered by SAYMusic Zuzanna-跟AGT Celine的聲樂教練Steve Learn Singing學唱歌...

Dare to dream, but more importantly, dare to start singing behinds your singer dreams.敢於夢想,敢於為夢想付諸行動
Dare to dream, but even more importantly, dare to start singing behinds your singer dreams. 敢於夢想,但更重要的是,敢於為歌手的夢想付諸行動。 學唱歌 - You Raise Me...

What is the chemistry when vocal coach watch popular singer singing? 專業聲樂教練觀看流行歌手唱歌時的化學反應是什麼?
What is the chemistry when professional vocal coach watch popular singer singing? 專業聲樂教練觀看流行歌手唱歌時的化學反應是什麼? Vocal Coach Reacts Marcelito...

Vocal Coach Reacts Marcelito Pomoy You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban
Vocal Coach Reacts Marcelito Pomoy You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:...

Vocal Coach Offers Online Singing Lesson to students in United States 聲樂教練在線歌唱課吸引了來自美國的學生
Vocal Coach Steve Tam, Celine's Daddy online singing lesson attract students from United States Celine的爸爸, 聲樂教練Steve Tam在線歌唱課吸引了來自美國的學生 ...

Steve Tam Vocal Coaching System BoxSet 100V Now Pre-Sale 50% OffSteve Tam聲樂教練唱歌訓練系統 - 盒裝 折扣50%
Steve Tam Vocal Coaching System BoxSet 100V Now Pre=Sale 50% Off Steve Tam聲樂教練唱歌訓練系統 - 盒裝 折扣50% BoxSet Inquiries 諮詢:...

You will make significant progress when you are passionate about singing只要對唱歌有熱誠,短時間內一定會有顯著的進步
Only you are passionate about singing, you will definitely make significant progress in short time 只要對唱歌有熱誠,短時間內一定會有顯著的進步 學唱歌 -...
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