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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam

Steve was surprised by Online Student's amazing singing progress in 8 months在线学生在八個月內驚人的進步十分驚喜
Steve was surprised by Australia Online Student's amazing singing progress in eight months 澳大利亚在线学生在八個月內驚人的歌唱進步讓Steve十分驚喜 學唱歌 - Have...

Online Student was improved a lot in singing after 8 months 在线学生在八个月内唱歌上有了很大的提高
Australia Online Student was improved a lot in singing after eight months of Steve's teaching Steve教了八个月之后,澳大利亚在线学生在唱歌上有了很大的提高 學唱歌 -...

Online Student made a spurt of progress in singing under Steve's teaching 澳大利亚在线学生在唱歌上突飞猛进
Australia Online Student made a spurt of progress in singing under Steve's teaching 在Steve的教导下,澳大利亚在线学生在唱歌上突飞猛进 學唱歌 - You Raise ME Up -...

學唱歌 - SAYMusic United States Chloe 月夜 - 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learn Singing學唱歌
學唱歌 - SAYMusic United States Chloe 月夜 - 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learn Singing學唱歌 Watch Celine and...

Online student has made significant progress within 8 months of learning to sing在线学生在學習唱歌八個月内取得了显着进步
Australian online student has made significant progress within eight months of learning to sing 澳大利亚在线学生在學習唱歌八個月内取得了显着进步 學唱歌 - When You...

Like Australian online student, everyone has unlimited potential in singing 像在线学生一样,所有人在唱歌上都有无穷的潜能
Like Australian online student, everyone has unlimited potential in singing 像澳大利亚在线学生一样,所有人在唱歌上都有无穷的潜能 學唱歌 - Grown Up Christmas List by...

Steve has made amazing progress in singing for online student Steve令澳大利亚在线学生在唱歌上的进步惊人
Dr. Steve has made amazing progress in singing for Australian online student Dr. Steve令澳大利亚在线学生在唱歌上的进步惊人 學唱歌 - Speechless SAYMusic...

Online student has made remarkable progress in singing within 8 months 在线学生在8个月内在唱歌上有了飞跃的进步
Under Steve, Australian online student has made remarkable progress in singing within 8 months 经过Dr. Steve的指导,澳大利亚在线学生在8个月内在唱歌上有了飞跃的进步...

Online Student mastered singing skills perfectly in eight months by Steve 在线学生在短短八个月内完美掌握了唱歌技
Australia Online Student mastered the singing skills perfectly in just eight months by Steve 澳大利亚在线学生在短短八个月的时间内完美掌握了唱歌技巧 學唱歌 - GoodBye...

Online Student Singing for 8 Months with Tremendous Progress在线学生学习唱歌八个月,取得了巨大的进步
Australia Online Student learns Singing from Steve for 8 Months with Tremendous Progress 澳大利亚在线学生学习唱歌八个月,取得了巨大的进步 學唱歌 - GoodBye COVERED...

One day you can also sing you own song to others! 有一天,您也可以向他人演唱自己的歌曲!
One day you can also sing you own song to others! 有一天,您也可以向他人演唱自己的歌曲! 學唱歌 - Darkside COVERED by SAYMUSIC Elisha -跟AGT Celine's Vocal...

Who is the most inspiring person to let you sing? 誰是啟發您唱歌的人?
Who is the most inspiring person to let you sing? 誰是啟發您唱歌的人? 學唱歌 - You Raise Me Up COVERED by SAYMusic Zuzanna - 跟AGT Celine's Vocal...

Always be thankful to someone "who coached" you to sing in the past 永遠要感謝曾經"指導"您唱歌的人
Always be thankful to someone "who coached" you to sing in the past 永遠要感謝曾經"指導"您唱歌的人 學唱歌 - You Raise Me Up COVERED by SAYMusic Zuzanna -...

When facing difficulties, who is always there and be your shoulder to cry on?當遇到困難時,誰總是在你身邊,做你的傾訴對象?
When facing difficulties, who is always there and be your shoulder to cry on?當遇到困難時,誰總是在你身邊,做你的傾訴對象? You Raise Me Up COVERED by SAYMusic...

Do you still remember the first one encourage you to sing? 您還記得第一個鼓勵您唱歌的人嗎?
Do you still remember the first one encourage you to sing? 您還記得第一個鼓勵您唱歌的人嗎? You Raise Me Up COVERED by SAYMusic Zuzanna...
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