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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
Classic Meme Song! Take a look at Shaking Rick Astley! 模仿唱歌 Never Gonna Give You
{ Never Gonna Give You Up by SAYMusic Jeremy ft. AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌 } { Jeremy Other Music...
Mozart, you really surprised us with such an amazing record! 莫扎特,你的唱片真的讓我們大吃一驚!
{ 說好不哭 MV Covered by SAYMusic Stephen } Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:
Share with us! Elsa looks better in Frozen 1 or frozen 2? 與我們分享! 愛莎公主在冰雪奇緣 1 或 冰雪奇緣 2 中看起來更好?
{ Let It Go by SAYMusic Alexa ft. AGT Celine's Daddy Vocal Coach Steve Tam 學唱歌 } { Alexa Other Music Video:...
does that mean singers talk better? 那麼歌手更懂得說話嗎?
{ A Whole New World Covered by SAYMusic Kate ft. AGT Celine's Daddy Vocal Coach Steve Tam 學唱歌 } Parent...
are you sure you are tone-deaf? prove that you are the 2%!你確定你是音盲嗎?證明你是那2%!
{ Cute Dion Tam - All is Found (“Lyric CC”) } { Dion Other Music Video:
Happy Chinese New Year! 祝願大家身體健康新春大吉
{ When I Look at You Covered by Celine Tam ft. 互动有奖: 香港的美需要你“深挖”猜一下Celine下一首歌会是在香港哪个打卡地拍摄的吧? } Parent...
Red pocket is a representation of luck! it's not only about money! 利是是金錢也是個來自長輩的祝福!
{ No Time To Die Covered by SAYMusic Sophia ft. - AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌 } {Sophia...
care too much, get hurt too easily. 有時太在意只會更容易受傷。tt
{ Hurt Covered by SAYMusic Australia Kaitlyn ft. AGT Celine's Daddy Vocal Coach Steve Tam 學唱歌 } {Kaitlyn...
dare to try a black apple? comment below 有膽量吃黑蘋果嗎? 留言告訴我
{ Do You Want to Build a Snowman SAYMusic Sonia ft. - AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌 } {Sonia...
have you ever expressed your gratitude to your close one? 你曾有向親人表達過感激之情嗎?
{ When I Look at You Covered by Celine Tam ft. 互动有奖: 香港的美需要你“深挖”猜一下Celine下一首歌会是在香港哪个打卡地拍摄的吧? } Parent...
Rome was not built in a day! YOU CAN'T MAKE A DREAM COME TRUE WITHOUT HARD WORK! 羅馬不是一天建成的!努力才可實現夢想!
12 Days of Christmas ft. Merry Christmas 2021 by Dion & Daddy Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:...
look for your family history! take some photos as hints for the next generation~了解您的家族史!照片是給下一代的提示!
Fight Song COVERED by Celine Tam Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:
Contol the future? How much will you pay for a time machine? 誰不想掌控自己的未來? 你願意花多少錢買一台時間旅行機?
Contol the future? How much will you pay for a time machine? 誰不想掌控自己的未來? 你願意花多少錢買一台時間旅行機? All is Found (Japanese Version) by SAYMusic...
Which one should I choose? Dark Choco or Milk Choco? Why not both! 黑巧克力還是牛奶巧克力呢? 我全都要!
學唱歌 - Somewhere Over The Rainbow Covered by SAYMusic Amber - AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Tam Parent...
Revive history! Honor the day of broadway production in 1937!復興歷史!紀念 1937 年百老匯演出的日子!
Revive history! Honor the day of broadway production in 1937!復興歷史!紀念 1937 年百老匯演出的日子! A Million Dream Covered by SAYMusic Phillip ft. AGT...
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