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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam

July 15- Give Something Away Day送物日
今天是送物日! 打掃房間,把衣服、書本、樂譜轉贈給有需要的人吧! Today is Give Something Away Day! Clean up the room and give away clothes, books, music sheets to those...

July 14- Mac and Cheese Day芝士通心粉日
你喜歡吃芝士通心粉嗎? 今天是芝士通心粉日,吃完再來上唱歌課吧! Do you like Mac and Cheese? Today is Mac and Cheese Day, let's eat it before having a singing lesson!...

July 13- Barbershop Music Appreciation Day理髮店音樂欣賞日
你知道理髮店音樂是甚麼嗎? 理髮店音樂是一種純語音、無伴奏合唱風格的音樂! Do you know what barbershop music is? Barbershop music is a voice-only, acappella style music!...

July 11- Cheer Up the Lonely DaY鼓勵孤獨者日
多關心你認識的人,找他們出去玩、做運動、唱K吧! Be more concerned about the people you know and ask them to hang out, play sports, and sing karaoke! Who you...

July 9- Fashion Day時裝日
有些學生來Sing and you上唱歌課前會悉心打扮, 一起欣賞他們的造型吧! Some students dress up before coming to Sing and you for singing lessons, let's take a look!...

July 6- Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day帶您的網站管理員去午餐日
有「帶您的網站管理員去午餐日」, 不知道有沒有「帶您的唱歌導師去午餐日」呢? There is "take your webmaster to lunch day", what about "Take your vocal coach to lunch day"?...

July 5- Workaholics Day工作狂日
你是一個工作狂嗎? 今天是工作狂日, 目的是提醒我們要在工作和生活之間保持平衡。下班後回家看看電視, 聽聽音樂, 休息一下吧! Are you a workaholic? Today is Workaholic Day and its purpose is to...

July 1- International Reggae Day國際雷鬼日
雷鬼是一種在1960年代起源於牙買加的音樂, 你喜歡這種風格的音樂嗎? Reggae is a type of music that originated in Jamaica in the 1960s, do you like this style of music?...

June 30- Social Media Day社交媒體日
來到六月的最後一日了! 今天是社交媒體日, 你追蹤了Sing and you各個社交媒體了嗎? 如果未追蹤的話, 快點去追蹤吧! It's the last day of June! Today is Social Media Day, have you followed...

June 29- Hug Holiday擁抱日
今天是擁抱日! 唱一首歌送給親友, 並給他們一個擁抱吧! Today is Hug Holiday! Sing a song to friends and family and give them a hug! Celine Tam is a good sister and...

June 28-Tapioca Day 木薯日
今天是木薯日, 喜歡吃澱粉類食品的人一定要試試啊! 猜猜校長Steve一家人喜不喜歡木薯吧! Today is Tapioca day, people who like to eat starchy foods must try it! Let's guess if...

June 27- Sunglasses Day太陽眼鏡日
眼睛和聲音一樣都是十分重要的, 我們要好好保護啊! Eyes are as important as voices, we must protect them! For the First Time in Forever by SAYMusic Alexa ft. AGT...

June 26- Chocolate Pudding Day朱古力布甸日
布甸是非常經典的甜品, 你喜歡哪個口味? 牛奶?芒果?還是朱古力味? Pudding is a very classic dessert, which flavor do you like? Milk? mango? Or chocolate? Cute Dion Tam...

June 25- Please Take My Children to Work Day請帶我的孩子去工作日
今天是請帶我的孩子去工作日! 各位爸爸媽媽打算帶你們的孩子一起上班嗎? 但是要確保他們不會在公司大叫或大聲唱歌啊! Today is Please Take My Children to Work Day! Are you planning to bring your...

June 23- Hydration Day補水日
你平時多喝水嗎? 多喝水對唱歌來說是一個很好的習慣呢! 除了補水日以外, 我們平日也要多補充水份啊! Do you usually drink water? Drinking water is a good habit for singing! In addition to...
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