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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
How to deal with stage fright?
How to deal with stage fright? 怎樣消除舞臺恐懼? If you have stage fright, you don’t need to worry because you are not the only one to have this...
Should we sing when we are sick?
Should we sing when we are sick? 當我們生病時,應該唱歌嗎? If we had a throat inflammation, we should definitely try our best to rest our throats and...
Singing Develop Language Skills
Singing Develop Language Skills 唱歌發展語言能力 Singing can let the child develop their language and communication skills. Most of the children...
Singing can raise up that quality of life
Singing can raise up that quality of life 唱歌可以提高生活質量 The benefits of singing regularly seem to be cumulative. In one study, singers were...
Singing And Emotions
Singing And Emotions 唱歌與情感 Singing and our emotions are deeply entwined. Music is a way to make you feel comfortable. If emotions arise...
Sing Whatever You Like, but Keep Singing
Sing Whatever You Like, but Keep Singing 唱你喜歡的歌,但要保持歌唱 No matter what type of music you like — pop, blues, oldies, Broadway musicals or a...
Improve Your Vocals before Singing
Improve Your Vocals before Singing 在唱歌之前改善你的聲音 Finding the right trainer is really important. If the trainer does not train you nicely on...
Give Your Child the Experience of Song
Give Your Child the Experience of Song 給你的孩子歌曲的經驗 Song has been an important part of your child's life from the very beginning. Music is...
Examining and Refining Your Singing Goals
Examining and Refining Your Singing Goals 檢查和改善你的歌唱目標 It's important to know what your singing goals are. Now we are not focus on the...
All About Taking Care Of Your Singing Voice
All About Taking Care Of Your Singing Voice 如果想擁有健康的聲帶必須.... Here are some valuable tips you have to know if you want to have the healthy...
Celine Tam Earned Laverne Cox's Golden Buzzer on 'America's Got Talent'
Celine Tam Earned Laverne Cox's Golden Buzzer on 'America's Got Talent
你的唱歌風格是甚麼呢? What is your Contemporary singing style?
你的唱歌風格是甚麼呢? 你知不知道你自己個人的唱歌風格呢?如有你自己不太清楚,不如先看看我們今日介紹的4種現代歌唱風格,再決定你自己屬於風格啦! 要找到你的唱歌風格的第一個線索可以是取決於你最喜歡的音樂類型。 你喜歡古典,靈魂,爵士樂,藍調,鄉村,民俗,搖滾還是流行呢?...
7個步驟令你唱歌進步 How To Sing Better In 7 Steps
如果你想知道如何能令自己的唱歌進步, 就要跟足以下7個步驟。 首先,你要知道要有所進步必須要配合正確的唱歌技巧和練習方法,雖然你可以自己練習,但你需要有位專業的歌唱老師從旁指導你。 7個步驟: 1.報名唱歌課程 2.熱好身 3.控制呼吸 4.練準音,盡量避免走音...
任何人都可以學識唱歌?Can anyone learn to sing?
任何人都可以學唱歌?這條問題其實再普通不過,但為什麼他們會問這條問題呢? 我想是因爲大部份人都有一個”你可以或不可以”的觀念, 很多小朋友童年時已經存在這個觀念-如果在一件事上做得好,其他事就必然會做得差。 如果小朋友在童年時已經在某個領域內有出色的表現,那麼就會被人說那只...
當一首歌曲是風靡全球時,不同的語言版本的歌曲就會出現。要數出現最多不同語言的歌曲就是前幾年十分流行的迪士尼歌曲--<<Let it go>>。 此歌一推出就一直深受小朋友喜愛,繼而模仿劇中的主角。 即使是不同語言,在作詞方面都是希望能夠貼近原意。因此,二次創作的歌曲難度都是...
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