用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
Sing and You 暑期課程兒童優惠
Summer Discount Kids Special
Sing and You 又有新搞作最近我哋推出咗限量暑期課程優惠禮券,等各位同你哋嘅親朋戚友都可以用最優惠價享受到高質素嘅 Sing and You 唱歌課程! 優惠價值高達$9700既禮劵包,依家$300就換到啦!
咁難得嘅優惠,大家記得趁早買,唔好錯過啦! 優惠到6月30日咋,賣完即止。如果有唔明白嘅地方歡迎隨時透過電話 (2146-1188) 或者電郵 (info@singandyou.com) 聯絡我哋, 等我哋嘅職員幫你啦!
Dear my beloved singers!
As you may or may not be aware, we have a summer special holiday voucher and we don't want you to miss out on it!! This year we are giving all our current singers an offer to bring down two friends or family members to try out sing and you for a value of $9700 discount!!
We must have purchased a Starter Pack of $300 in order to successfully claim the $9700 discount voucher. Alternatively you may also use this to claim yourself the $300 Starter Pack !!!! VALUED AT $9700
Be quick, the coupons must be redeemed before the end of June! If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to call Sing and You Music Centre (2146-1188) or email us at info@singandyou.com - we’ll be happy to help!