用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
Easter Egg Hunt @ Peak Campus
復活節 山頂校園開放日
復活節點少得 Egg Hunt 彩蛋派對?今個復活節,一齊去我地新開張既山頂校園搵彩蛋,玩遊戲!好多得意刺激既活動等著你,快d搵埋朋友仔同屋企人一齊 Easter Fun 啦!
地點:山頂柯士甸山(Dr Steve Academy 山頂校園)
免費活動 • 適合小朋友及家庭參加
Hunt, play and sing this Easter at our scenaric campus at Hong Kong's Peak! You don't want to miss the excitement and prizes - bring your friends and let's party!
Date: 17 April 2017
Time: 2-4pm
Location: Peak, Mount Austin (Dr Steve Academy Peak Campus)
Free admission • Suitable for kids and families
Register now:
1. 成功報名後,我們將發出電郵確認通知至主要聯絡人電郵,如7天內都未能收到,請致電聯絡我們:2146-1188。
2. 參加者需填寫所有報名資料方可得到贈品。
3. 主辦單位有權因應參賽情況而作出相應安排及改動或取消任何活動,有關參加者將獲發通知。 所有比賽詳情更新以本校網頁及Facebook專頁最後公佈為準。
4. 主辦單位擁有比賽 (包括過程中之所有錄音、錄影及相片)所有影像或聲音之一切版權,並有權自行決定將有關之影像或錄音於網上或其他平台發放。
5. 如有任何更改或爭議,主辦單位擁有最終決定權,並無須作另行通知。
1. 如前一天中午十二時或之後懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號,活動將會取消。
2. 如比賽當日凌晨十二時前懸掛黑色暴雨,活動將會取消。
3. 如比賽進行中天氣惡劣或懸掛以上任何警告,活動總監有權將取消活動。
4. 請在比賽早上致電香港天文台(電話:1878200)查詢有關天氣情況。
Terms and Conditions
1. An email confirmation will be sent upon successful registration. If you haven't received it in 7 days, contact us: 2146-1188.
2. Participants will recieve their gifts only when they have provided all information required on the application.
3. The hosting organization reserves the final rights to make amendments to or cancel the activity. Participants shall be notified if the activity is cancelled. Please refer to Sing and You Website and Facebook for updates on activity details and information.
4. The hosting organization owns the copyright of all pictures, videos and sound tracks taken during the activity and reserves the right to release these materials online or via other channels.
5. In case of any amendments or disputes, the hosting organization reserves the final rights of decision without a need of notification.
Bad weather arrangement
1. The activity will be cancelled if Typhoon 8 is hoisted at 12 noon or after the day before.
2. The activity will be cancelled if Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted at midnight.
3. The activity may be cancelled when the weather condition turns bad.
4. Please call the Hong Kong Observatory (Tel: 1878200) to enquire the weather condition.