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免費一堂Sing And You課程幸運抽獎!
One FREE Sing And You Class Lucky Draw!

1. 此抽獎活動於2017年5月27日截止報名。

   This offer is valid until Saturday, 27 May 2017 only.

2. 是次抽獎獎品恕不可兌換作現金或換成其他禮品,並不設退換。

   The lucky draw prizes are non-exchangeable for cash and/or other gifts, and are non-returnable.

3. 參加者一經完成登記,則表示接受並同意本條款及細則(以下簡稱「條款」),當中包括同意活動主辦單位使用參加者之姓名作公佈得獎者名單之用途。

   By participating in the campaign, participants are deemed to have accepted and agreed with all the terms and conditions herein (“T&C”) including the publication of the names of lucky draws’ winners for the purpose of prizes announcement.

4. 每個參加登記,經確認為有效後,均被視為一次參加是次抽獎的機會。若參加者重覆登記,亦只會獲得一次抽獎機會。

    Each registration is counted as one chance towards entering the lucky draw. Duplicated registrations will be regarded as one entry.

5. 得獎者將於符合資格之參加者當中隨機抽出。

    Winners will be randomly drawn from the registrations that are eligible to the lucky draw.

6. 得獎者必須於2017年6月30日星期五當日或之前親身前往Sing And You Music Center領獎。如得獎者未能於上述日子領獎,獲獎的權利將被作廢並不會獲得任何補償。

    All prizes must be redeemed at Sing And You Music Center before Friday, 30 June 2017 in person. The prize will be assumed as forfeited and no substitution may be replaced if it is not redeemed within the above redemption period.

7. 得獎結果將於2017年6月15日星期四於Sing And You Facebook 內刊登。

    Draw results will be announced in Sing And You Facebook on Thursday, 15 June 2017.

8. 為公平起見,凡於Sing And You任職之僱員及其直系親屬均不合乎資格參加是次抽獎。

    Staff of Sing And You Music Center, and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate in this campaign.

9. Sing And You Music Center全權決定參加抽獎人士之資格。如有任何爭議,Sing And You Music Center保留最終決定權。

    Sing And You Music Center reserves the final right of decision to verify the eligibility of all participants. In case of dispute, Sing And You Music Center reserves the right of final decision.

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