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讓孩子學習音樂的好處 (Part3) The Benefits of Learning Music (Part 3)

讓孩子學習音樂的好處 (Part3)

#5. Spatial-Temporal Skills


我們有一些很好的數據顯示,音樂指導可以有效地提高兒童隨著時間轉變的空間技巧。 這些技能在解決在建築,工程,數學,藝術,遊戲等方面遇到的多步驟問題發揮作用,特別是與電腦工作。

#6. Improved Test Scores

不管學校或校區的社會經濟如何,與低質音樂節目的學校相比,受過高等音樂教育的小學生在英語水平上會高出22%,數學成績高出20% 。

除了成績,音樂教育的質素對小孩積極追求成功的影響。 以兩句話可以解釋了這種心理現象:「有嚴格計劃的學校和高素質的音樂教師較有可能在其他領域也有高素質的教師。如果你有一個環境,​​那裡有很多人做一些有創意的、聰明的、偉大的和歡樂的事情,你也有傾向去做和他們一樣,甚至更好的事情。」

The Benefits of Learning Music (Part 3)

#5. Spatial-Temporal Skills

Understanding music can help children visualize and classify the various elements, just as they solve mathematics problems.

"We have some good data to show that music can effectively improve the spatial skills of children over time." These skills are addressed in construction, engineering, mathematics, and art, gaming, solving other aspects of the multi-step problems and especially with the computer work.

#6. Improved Test Scores

No matter the socioeconomic nature of schools or campuses, compared with schools with low-quality music programs, primary school students, who have higher music education, will score about 22% higher in English, 20% higher in the mathematics .

In addition to the results, the impact of the quality of music education on children actively pursuing success. Two sentences can explain this psychological phenomenon: "Schools that have rigorous programs and high-quality music and arts teachers probably have high-quality teachers in other areas. If you have an environment where there are a lot of people doing creative, smart, great things, joyful things, even people who aren’t doing that have a tendency to go up and do better.”

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