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SAY'S TALENT 全港音樂演藝大賽

【SAY'S TALENT】全港音樂演藝大賽 第一季 比賽章程

比賽目的: 希望透過舞台,讓小朋友在良性競爭下啟發潛能,

比賽項目: 唱歌或樂器之相關才藝表演                


比賽組別: 幼稚園組 / 小學組 / 公開組*

參賽資格: 本港幼稚園生及小學生 (全日制或半日制均可);公開組沒有任何年齡限制

報名費用: 每位 $350

評分準則: 評判會根據參賽者的整體表現評分,包括技巧、演繹、感染力及台風等。

 獎    項: 冠軍 - 可獲發獎盃、獎狀、SAY'S獎學金$500、
             STUDIO MUSIC VIDEO及個人小型演唱會體驗乙次,
             同時直接入圍SAY'S GOT TALENT FINAL爭奪年度總冠軍;
             (SAY'S GOT TALENT年度總決賽冠軍將可獲得價值超過$25,000之獎學金及獎品)          

             金獎 - 獎狀、SAY'S獎學金$300,並可入圍SAY'S GOT TALENT 複賽

             銅獎 - 獎狀、SAY'S獎學金$200

             銀獎 - 獎狀、SAY'S獎學金$100


     本校匯豐銀行戶口號碼:652 298126 001
     帳戶名稱:Sing and You Coaching Co. Ltd



2016年 11 月 27 日 公開初選 1

2017年 1 月 22 日 公開初選 2

2017年 3 月 (日期待公佈) 公開初選 3

2017年 5 月 (日期待公佈) 公開初選 4

2017年 7 月 (日期待公佈) 公開初選 5

2017年 9 月 (日期待公佈) 公開初選 6

2017年 10 月 (日期待公佈) 複 賽

2017年 12 月 (日期待定) 總 決 賽 地點:西九龍中心 (待定)


公開初選中獲冠軍者可直接進 總決賽;

獲金獎者(90分或以上)可直接進入 複賽;



如重新報名初選時為現時Sing and You學生,即不用重新繳交報名費。

          本校匯豐銀行戶口號碼:652 298126 001
          帳戶名稱:Sing and You Coaching Co. Ltd

          報名費用: 每位 $350


1) 比賽以個人形式進行,參賽者需準備不超過兩分鐘之音樂才藝表演。

2) 比賽時間將於賽前七天內以電郵形式通知。

3) 主辦單位有權因應參賽情況而作出相應安排及改動或取消任何賽事,有關參賽者將獲發通知,所繳之參賽費用一經報名,不論任何原因,一概恕不退還;所繳費用亦不得轉讓他人或轉作另一項比賽之用。

4) 主辦單位並不接受任何賽事更改之要求,包括表演排序、日期及時間等。

5) 所有參賽者必須準時出席該組賽事,若遲到之參賽者,會獲安排至該組比賽完畢後即時補賽,但其分數及名次將會被受影響。若該組賽事完結後才到達,將不獲補賽,已繳之報名費亦不獲發還。

6) 如未能出席比賽者,則視作棄權論,已繳之報名費亦不獲發還。

7) 主辦單位擁有比賽(包括過程中之所有錄音及錄影)所有影像或聲音之一切版權,並有權自行決定將有關之影像或錄音於網上或其他平台發放。

8) 所有比賽詳情更新以本校網頁及Facebook專頁最後公佈為準。

9) 如有任何更改或爭議,主辦單位擁有最終決定權,並無須作另行通知。




奧海城分校 Olympian City

九龍大角咀深旺道3號嘉運大廈G02舖 (奧運港鐵站B出口, 沿行人天橋步行3至4分鐘)

​G02, Skyway House, 3 Sham Mong Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon (B exit of MTR Olympic Station, 2-3 minute walk along the footbridge)      Tel: 2146-1188


灣仔分校Wanchai Branch

香港灣仔軒尼詩道103號越興大廈6樓​​ 6/F, Yue Hing Building, 103 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong      Tel: 3102-0603


Whatsapp 9698-1248


Season 1 – Rules and Regulations


Objectives: To empower Hong Kong’s children to unleash their inner potential and present themselves confidently through performing and competing on the stage in a friendly atmosphere, while boosting their sense of self-worth and self-confidence in the process.

Categories: Kindergarten Category / Primary School Category / Open Category (no age limit)

Repertoire:  Any vocal and/or instrumental repertoire

Judging Criteria: Candidates are judged based on their overall performance including techniques and versatility, arrangement and interpretation, stage presence etc.  Candidates scoring 90 marks or above are awarded Gold Prize, 85 marks or above Silver Prize, and 80 marks or above Bronze Prize.  A championship is awarded to the candidate with the highest score.

Champion    –  Trophy, Certificate, $500 SAY’S Scholarship,
                         Studio Recording Experience
                         Solo Mini Concert Experience
                         Direct entry to SAY’S TALENT FINAL in Summer 2017
                         (The Champion of SAY’S TALENT FINAL will be awarded
                         scholarship and prizes valued at more than $25,000HKD)
Gold Prize    –  Certificate, $300 SAY’S Scholarship,
                         Direct entry to SAY’S TALENT FINAL in Summer 2017
Silver Prize   –  Certificate, $200 SAY’S Scholarship
Bronze Prize –  Certificate, $200 SAY’S Scholarship


(1)   Visit Sing and You Music Center (Wan Chai/ Olympian City) before 3pm on
       the closing date and submit the application form along with application fees,
       either in cash or by EPS

(2)  Download the application form and post / email it along with the bank payment
      HSBC Account:652 298126 001
      Account Name:Sing and You Coaching Co. Ltd


Application fee: $350 per candidate

SAY's Talent Time Table

27 Nov, 2016 - Open Audition 1

22 Jan, 2017 - Open Audition 2

Mar, 2017 - Open Audition 3

May, 2017 - Open Audition 4

July, 2017 - Open Audition 5

Sep, 2017 - Open Audition 6

Oct, 2017 - Semi Final

Dec, 2017 - Final

Contestants winning the GOLD Prize in each audition will enter the Semi-Final.
The Champion in each audition will enter the Final directly.
Contestants are allowed to enter an audition for an unlimited number of times but they should not repeat a song that has been performed in any previous auditions.  An application fee of HK$350 is charged upon re-entry into an audition, but if the applicant is a current SAY student, such application fee for re-entry can be waived.

Competition regulations

  1. SAY’S TALENT welcomes individual performances only.  Each contestant should prepare no more than 2 minutes of music-related performance.

  2. The competition timetable will be released via email 7 days before the competition date.

  3. The hosting organization reserves the final rights to make amendments to or cancel the competition.  Candidates shall be notified and in any case, there shall be no remittance of application fees once they are submitted to the hosting organization.   Applications fees are non-transferable to other persons or competitions in any case. 

  4. The hosting organization shall not accept any requests to amend anything related to the competition including the competition order, date, time etc

  5. All candidates shall arrive on time for the competition.  A make-up session may be arranged for late candidates at the end of the competition, though marks may be deducted.  Candidates who do not show up by the time the competition is over will be offered no make-up for their performance and shall be disqualified from the competition.  There shall be no remittance of application fees in case of disqualification due to lateness. 

  6. Candidates who are unable to attend the competition will be disqualified from the competition and there shall be no remittance of application fees. 

  7. The hosting organization owns the copyright of all video and voice recordings as well as images taken during the competition, and reserves the right to release these materials online or via other channels.

  8. Please refer to Sing and You Website and Facebook for updates on competition details and information.

  9. In case of any amendments or disputes, the hosting organization reserves the final rights of decision without a need of notification.

Sing and You Music Center (Olympian City) : G02, Skyway House, 3 Sham Mong Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon (B exit of MTR Olympic Station, 2-3 minute walk along the footbridge)   Tel: 2146-1188
Sing and You Music Center (Wan Chai) : 6/F, Yue Hing Building, 103 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong  Tel: 3102-0603

Sing and You Office Whatsapp 9698-1248

Follow us 追縱我們

香港灣仔軒尼詩道103號越興大廈6樓​(灣仔港鐵站A2出口,) 電話:96048548

Wan Chai Campus
6/F, Yue Hing Building, 103 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
(A2 exit of MTR Wan Chai Station)

Tel: 96048548


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+852 96048548

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