非常感谢您成为她的唱歌老师Thank For Very Much For Being Her Singing Teacher
非常感谢您成为她的唱歌老师Thank For Very Much For Being Her Singing Teacher 音乐实践家 - 家长心声 Parent Testimonials
学生 Student Kaitlyn (Australia)
多谢你Dr Steve, Kaitlyn同我讲呢两堂Kaitlyn学得好开心,虽然仲系唱得吾好听。真心多谢你令到Kaitlyn学得开心,她不停咁同我讲你今日赞咗佢好多次。我睇得出你系一个好老师,而既然她学得开心,又可以喺你身上学到嘢。她直头超开心啦,好紧张咁叫我记住问你。但我钟意,希望有朝一日她真正可以唱到咁。非常感谢您发送给我这段视频,
我可以從視頻中看到, 她与您一起学习非常愉快,非常感谢您成为她的老师! Thank you so much for making her happy to learn, and she kept telling me that you praised her many times today. I can see that you are a good teacher, and since she is happy in learning, she can learn something from you. She is so happy, so nervous that keep remembering me to ask you. But I like it and hope that one day she can really sing it. Thank you so much for sending me this video, even though it is such a short one, I can tell she enjoys so much to learn with you, thank for very much for being her teacher!
- Kaitlyn妈妈
SAYMusic Kaithly - You Raise Me Up https://weibo.com/5537288678/JtRqvtBoC
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