Celine Rock the Stage Mini Concert
Celine Rock the Stage Mini Concert要來啦!!! 今個”聖誕夕2014年12月24日”,是”普天同慶” 的日子,大家有節目未呢?Sing and You有好介紹!我們形像大使”Celine Tam” 即將在香港九龍尖沙嘴海港城舉行”Celine Tam & Choir Rock the Stage Mini Concert” (Celine Tam& Choir 好歌Sing頌聖誕)。屆時有CelineTam爲大家唱出不同聖誕歌外,還有Dr. Steve(SingandYou) 其他學生唱歌表演,節目非常豐富,萬勿錯過!現在快約定親友,大家記得一家大小同來” 海港城”捧場啦!我們在12月24號與你同歡渡聖誕! 活動:Celine Rock the Stage Mini Concert (Celine Tam& Choir 好歌Sing頌聖誕) 日期:2014年12月24日 時間:下午4時至5時 地點:香港九龍尖沙嘴海港城 HarbourCity This Christmas Eve is a day to celebrate! Do you have any plans for that day? Sing and You have a good suggestion for you! As the ambassador, Celine is going to hold a mini concert called Celine Rock the Stage Mini Concert on December 24 in Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong! Celine will sing different Christmas carols for everyone. Moreover, Dr. Steve's other students are going to have singing performances too. Remember to come and support me and my friends on Christmas Eve in Harbour City! See you~ Activities: Celine Rock the Stage Mini Concert Date: December 24, 2014 Hours: 16:00 to 17:00 Location: Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong