Sunday Kiss 雜誌封面訪問 - 小巨肺譚芷昀Sunday Kiss Magazine Cover Interview with Celine Tam
去年年初G.E.M. (鄧紫棋)在內地參加《我是歌手2》,集集高音震撼聽眾,讓她迅速在全國紅起來。年中香港也有一位小代表到內地參賽,平地一聲雷!年僅7歲的譚芷昀(Celine Tam)在《中國新聲代第二季》,以一首英文歌〈You Raised Me Up〉震攝人心,在YouTube瀏覽次數超過350萬,其巨肺高音及爆炸力配合獨特唱歌技巧令網友封她為“新小巨肺”、“小鄧紫棋”,自此頻繁於中港兩地獻唱,還在TVB台慶中表演。
所謂「台上三分鐘,台下十年功」,Celine Tam三歲學唱歌,爸爸兼歌唱老師譚順生(Dr.Steve)親自教導,仿如一同參與親子活動般, 三年多來父女無止境為音樂與唱歌事業付出,但他不想女兒與GEM比較,畢竟兩人實力仍相差甚遠,不過Celine Tam也希望有機會與GEM合作,好好學習一番。若你也希望成為Celine Tam 般的舞台小巨星,Sing and You 課程絕對適合你!
Participating the Mainland TV show "I am a singer 2", G.E.M.'s amazing voice made her famous nationally. We also had a little girl who represented Hong Kong and competed with the contestants in mainland!
7-year-old Celine Tam shocked the audience at "Let's Sing, Kids! - Season 2" with the song <You Raise Me Up>, attracting more than 3.5 million views on YouTube. Her giant lung treble , explosive voice and unique singing techniques earned her the name "the new small giant lung" and "Little G.E.M." among netizens. After that, Celine Tam frequently performs on stage at various occasions in Hong Kong and Mainland, including the anniversary of TVB.
The Chinese saying goes, “Three minutes on stage requires ten years of practice.” Celine Tam has been learning music and singing from her father Tam Shui Sun (Dr.Steve), a vocal coach with more than 30 years of experience, since she was 3. Dr. Steve has taught his daughter singing techniques everyday for more than three years. He do not want his daughter to compare herself with G.E.M. since there is still a big difference between them.
Nevertheless, Celine Tam hopes to have the opportunity to collaborate with G.E.M. and learn from her.