
【星島日報報道】年僅8歲的小巨肺譚芷昀(Celine)成立歌迷會,吸引200名大人和小朋友到場。Celine妹妹表示現場會演唱6、7首歌,新碟就預計聖誕節或明年初推出。提到正放暑假,Celine妹妹透露之前到過重慶和迪士尼樂園,並且除打波、游水外,今個暑假還開始跟Sunny Wong學跳K-Pop,且獲讚賞有潛質。
Over 200 audience have enjoyed fabulous music at Celine Tam’s concert
The fabulous little diva Celine Tam, at the tender age of 8, has hosted her mini concert at Causeway Bay in mid-August. In the concert, Celine has performed seven beautiful songs. With her angelic voice, unique singing technique and amazing talent, she has attracted over 200 audience to the concert.
According to Celine and her father/voice coach Dr Tam, there will be a new CD release around Christmas. Besides preparing for the release of the new CD, Celine has engaged in many interesting activities during Summer holiday, such as travelling to Disneyland and playing sports. She has also started K-Pop dancing classes with the renowned dancer Sunny Wong.
Although Celine has a busy schedule, she still manages to have a good school life and childhood. She is a diligent girl who likes studying and going to school.