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Three Singing Audition Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make 三個歌唱面試中你一定要避免的錯誤

Most of the people that it is so important that having a amazing voice! However, if you want to improve your talent to a higher professional level, then you must also do a good job in the audition. So, today we will talk about three mistakes that you must avert in your the singing auditions, if you want to get a callback from your auditions.

First, Error of Accompaniment Track

Often, singers take too many times to focus on how they sing because it means what sounds will come from their mouths, but they always forget an important part of their audition: ready for your accompaniment track! Do not forget accompaniment is something that you need to put printed sheet music taped together from pianists, MP3s, or CDs that containing only accompaniment, then tune them into your key and pre-cut the time required for each demo. Remember that everyone in the audition only have a short time. If your audition makes them take an extra five minutes to adjust your accompaniment, the reviewers will lost patience before you sing your first note. On the contrary, let everything go according to plan, get into the interview room, submit your music, sing your perfect performance, and finally raised your head to leave confidently.

Second, Error of Performance When auditioning for solo, many amateurs will get in and start their songs, they start dancing on the stage before they sing the second syllable, just like on the party. But they do not realize that all these extra actions will distract the attention of the judges and turn their attention to your dance skills from your singing talent. The solution? Stand and sing! At least let them hear and see you for a few seconds. Even if this is an Allegro song, they want to see you, not a moving target. Give them a few seconds, really see you and hear you, and decide whether you really are what they want. After about five seconds, you can add a little rhythm by your hands, just do not addicted to your dancing. If they want to see if you can dance, they will send you to the dancing audition. This is singing audition! So do not let anything distract their attention from your amazing voice.

Third, Error of Diet Remember that your vocal cords are just like your biceps that need proper nutrition to keep. Eating some wrong things at the night before your audition, may make you dehydrated or have extra and unwanted sputum in the throat. Both of them can affect your perfect performance. During this period, preferably twelve hours before your show, please remember to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and do not chew gum.

We know that any singing auditions will make singers nervous, but by avoiding the three audition of the errors, and according to our tips, you will lead your competitors, and prepared the best.

很多人都知道,有一個好的聲音很重要! 但是,如果你想把自己的才能提高到更高的專業水平,那麼你也必須在歌唱試鏡方面做得很好。所以,今日我們將會和大家分享一下在歌唱面試中一定要免的三大錯誤,令你可以在唱歌面試中擁有獲得成功!

一. 伴奏上的錯誤

通常,歌手花費最多時間的專注於他們如何唱歌,因為這意味著從他們的嘴裡出來的會是怎樣的聲音,但是他們忘記了一個在他們的試鏡中非常重要的部分:準備好你的伴奏音樂! 不要忘記,伴奏是需要你將鋼琴家、MP3或只包含伴奏的CD錄製在一起,再將他們調到到你的音調上,然後再預先剪成每次試奏會所需的時間。

請記住,試鏡中每個人都只有很短的時間。 如果你唱歌前要令他們需要額外花費多五分鐘來讓你調整你的伴奏,那麼在你唱第一個音符之前,評審們就已經失去耐心。 相反,讓一切按計劃進行,進入面試室,遞交你的音樂,唱出你完美的表演,最後抬高頭自信地離開。

二. 表演上的錯誤



三. 飲食上的錯誤

記住,你的聲帶其實就像你的二頭肌一樣需要適當的營養來維持。前一天晚上食了一些錯誤的食物,可能會使你脫水或在喉嚨裡產生額外的、不想要的痰。 這兩者都可以影響你完美的表現。在此期間,最好是你表演前十二小時左右,請記住每天最少喝八杯水和不要嚼口香糖。


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