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聲樂小知識– 形成不同音調的因素 Vocal Knowledge– Voice Type Factors

聲樂小知識– 形成不同音調的因素



音域:你的聲帶會利用不同的振動模式而產生的音調範圍。這四個包括:正常聲音(你的正常說話的聲音),vocal fry (比正常聲音低的音高),falsetto(長笛般高音的聲音)和口哨聲(人聲最高的音域,通常由女性來唱)。



Vocal Knowledge– Voice Type Factors

Last time, we introduced different singing voice types. But do you know what are the factors that make up different types of tones? We can explain with the following four basic factors:

Range:All the notes that the singer can sing from the lowest to the highest.The newer singer compares the range of the advanced singer (the highest pitch to the lowest). Know your range can help you to determine which part you belong to.

Regist:Your vocal cords will use different vibrational modes to produce the pitch range. These four include modal sound (your normal voice), vocal fry (pitch much lower than modal sound), falsetto (flute-like high pitch) and the whistle voice (human’s highest register, usually sing by females ).

The Tone of Voice:Also called the timbre.Often described as the color of our voice. Is it dark, metal, loud, harsh or fresh? Knowing your voice can help you to choose your singing part. For example, the tone of the tenor is more "bright" than the bass.

Age:Most of us can distinguish the voice of the adult and the child. Obviously, our voice will change with age, especially the voice of a boy before and after his puberty. As we get older, our vocal cords change again, therefore many singers and professional vocalists need to lower the key their usual singing tones or make other adjustments. This is not the voice broken, just different. But it is certain that age is another key factor in determining your voice type.

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