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Different Dimensions of Singing a Good Song

Different Dimensions of Singing a Good Song


There are many dimensions to take care of in order to sing a great song. From choosing a song to interpreting it is also a kind of knowledge, especially in a choir, for example acapella.

The first and critical thing turns out to be the song choices. In group singing, it is the easiest to be melodic to choose some songs based around the basic chord. Maybe word-rich or vowel-rich songs are also good options because harmonies are able to express in long notes and bring listeners a comfortable feeling.

Besides, it is the rhythm of a song. Beats decide the style of the song. Two beats or triple beats, fast or slow will bring out different feeling. It will be thrilling when every member in the choir can handle complex rhythm , especially in fast speed, listeners will also be very impressive.

Furthermore, it is the tone. Singing in a right tone is the basic in singing, but it is not easy for everyone in a team to produce the same notes with same voice and same ending sound. Time is needed if you want a harmonious song to be sung.

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要唱一首好聽的歌,需要兼顧的範疇有很多,從選曲到怎麽演繹都是一種學問,特別在合唱中,例如無伴奏音樂。 首先關鍵的當然是曲的選擇。在合唱中,一些圍繞基本和弦的歌曲是最容易帶出好聽的效果。或許歌詞和母音豐富的歌也是不錯的選擇,因為和聲最能夠在長音中展現,給聽眾很協調和舒服的感覺。 其次的是一首歌的節奏。拍子決定了歌曲的風格,二拍子或是三拍子,快或慢都會帶出不同的感受。當一群合唱團團員能夠一同拿捏復雜的節奏,是一件很振奮人心的事,特別是在快的節奏。聽眾也會被感染。 再者,便是音準。音準是要唱好一首歌的基本,但要每個人在一個團體內發出同一個音,而尾音、聲線等要一致亦不是這麽容易做到。要經過長時間的訓練,一首歌才會聽起來和諧。

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