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How to maintain your vocal health #2

How to maintain your vocal health #2


Because your voice is a part of your body rather than an external instrument, it is vital that you keep yourself healthy in order to consistently sing at your best. If your voice is "broken" you unfortunately can't go out and purchase another! Here are some tips to maintain your vocal health !

3. Stay Hydrated The vocal cords work best when they are kept moist, so the best thing you can do is up your water intake. Juice and tea work well too, but you can't beat water. Room temperature or warm is best as icy cold water constricts the throat muscles slightly. Water doesn't actually touch the cords so won't hydrate it directly, so make sure you drink hours before a performance so that it hydrates your whole body.

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4. Avoid Caffeine and alcohol before singing This is related to the above point. Caffeine and alcoholic drinks will dehydrate you. If your vocal cords are too dry, it may cause irritation when they vibrate during singing. You might also like to steer clear of soft drinks as they add air to the stomach.

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因為你的聲音是你身體的一部分而不是外部樂器,所以保持自己的健康是至關重要的,這樣才能保持最佳狀態。 如果你的聲音,你很遺憾不能出去購買另一個! 以下是保持聲音健康的一些提示!

3. 保持水分

當聲帶保持濕潤時,聲帶效果最佳,因此您可以做的最好的事情就是增加水的攝入量。 果汁和茶也很好用,但你不能打水。 室溫或溫暖最好,因為冰冷的水稍微收縮喉部肌肉。


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這與上述觀點有關。 咖啡因和酒精飲料會讓你脫水。

如果您的聲帶過於乾燥,在唱歌時會發出刺激聲。 您可能還想避開軟飲料,因為它們會增加胃的空氣。

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