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How to sing with more emotions and techniques #2

How to sing with more emotions and techniques #2


A singer always have to handle two things while singing. One is technique, and the other one is emotion. When you focus too much on technique, the emotion suffers. When you focus too much on emotion, technique falls flat. The goal is balance, but how? Here are some tips !

2. Matrixing Pitch & Perfecting Execution

This technique programs the notes of your melody into your neuron muscle memory and strengthens the singers’ ear and pitch. Particularly useful for preparing material for a performance and the recording studio. *Matrix = means that within which, or within and from which, something originates, takes form, or develops. Matrix the melody by finding the corresponding notes on the keys of the piano. You don’t have to play the piano in order to do this. Spending the time to find the actual notes will show you the roadmap of your melody in a visual manner, further impressing it in your mind’s eye.

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這項技術可將您的旋律音符編入您的神經元肌肉記憶中,並加強歌手的耳朵和音高。 特別適用於製作演奏用材料和錄音棚。 *矩陣=表示某事物的起源,形式或發展的內,內部和內部。通過在鋼琴鍵上找到相應的音符來旋律。 你不必彈鋼琴就可以了。 花時間查找實際音符將以視覺方式向您顯示旋律的路線圖,進一步在您的腦海中留下深刻印象。

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