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Letting children to learn singing FAQ #2

Letting children to learn singing FAQ #2

讓小孩子學唱歌 問與答#2

Q2 : Will learning to sing hurt the children’s voices?

Q2 : 學習唱歌會傷害孩子們的聲音嗎?

One of the fear that put parents off from giving their children voice lessons is their concern of hurting the child’s voice. The answer is, as long as the teacher has realistic expectations of a child’s voice there is little danger of damaging their voice.

Children’s voices should never be compared with teenagers or adults. They cannot sing as loud, as long, or with a big range as adults or teens. A proper vocal class will serve to protect the children voice by teaching them how to sing so as not to damage their voice. The most dangerous thing a child could do to their voice is to “belt” high notes with their chest voice. There is absolutely no danger for a child to exploring his/her high notes (and they can usually squeal very high) if they use their registers properly. If the child’s voice ever becomes hoarse, they should STOP SINGING for the day and rest their voice.

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許多父母不讓孩子上聲樂課的恐懼之一,是他們害怕會傷害到孩子的聲音。答案是,只要老師和父母對孩子的聲音的期望是現實的,就不會有損害他們聲音的危險性。 我們不應將兒童的聲音與青少年或成年人的作比較。他們不能像成年人或青少年那樣長時間, 大聲或大音域地歌唱。適當的聲樂課程將能教導他們如何唱歌從而保護兒童的聲音免受傷害。孩子對他們的聲音能做最危險的事情是用胸部的聲音來“帶”高音。如果孩子正確使用他們的聲音寄存器,那麼孩子完全沒有探索高音的危險(並且他們通常可以尖叫很高)。但如果孩子的聲音變得沙啞,他們應該停止唱歌並讓他們的聲音休息。

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