西九龍中心SAYMusic演唱會歌唱比賽海選? Open audition for SAYMusic Singing Contest in our upcoming Mini Concerts
如果大家有一直留意SAYMusic的近況,相信必然記得每年SAYMusic 提供大量舞台唱歌演出機會,讓小孩子們展現學習成果,獲得豐富的音樂體驗。
西九龍中心Saymusic演唱會同時進行歌唱比賽海選 現邀內地及海外歌手加入試鏡
同時,我們很高興宣佈於接下來的公開學生演唱會中,Sing and You將同時進行歌唱大賽全球海選,並邀請中國內地及海外小歌手加入試鏡。其中,我們的專業老師專隊與Sing and You校長Steve Tam 將從眾多表演者中選出傑出歌手,出戰Sing and You歌唱大賽。
亦可透過SAYMusic官方Whatsapp (+852 96981248) 或微信 (singandyoumusic) 查詢詳情。
For those of you who are closely following our pages, you must know that Sing and You offers a plethora of stage opportunities for our students to enrich their musical experience and show off their vocal training progress.
Here are the edited footage of our March 2019 student concert in Dragon Center.
We are also happy to announce that in the coming student concerts, we are simultaneously arranging open auditions for the upcoming SAYMusic singing contest. We welcome singers from mainland China and from overseas to participates in our auditions. Our professional coaching team and SAYMusic principal Steve Tam will nominate outstanding candidates for the final round of our SAYMusic singing contest.
Due to strong demand, we have increased the number of student concerts up to five, as of this moment. They will be held on the first Sunday of April, May, June, July and August.
Welcome Mainland Chinese and oversea candidate to join our singing fiesta and compete with Hong Kong talents! Relish the big stage and build stage confidence that last for life!
【Date and Time of Concerts】
April 7 // 5pm
May 4 // 5pm
Jun 2 // 5pm
Jul 7 // 5pm
Aug 4 // 5pm
【Application method】
Fill the online application form.
Contact us through Whatsapps (+852 96981248) or WeChat (singandyoumusic) for more information.
New and old student from all age are welcomed!
Applicant will need to accept preliminary closed audition first. Stage performers will then be required to accept at least 1 to 2 (paid) private training to prepare for the stage.
10 application quota per show.
Price for application and audition will be 250HKD in total.