Prepare for your best audition: Singer's Checklist #2 為你準備最好的試音:歌手的清單 #2

Prepare for your best audition: Singer's Checklist #2
為你準備最好的試音:歌手的清單 #2
Let’s take a look at our sheet music binder, or “book.” You need to make sure your sheet music is printed double-sided. So the pianist doesn't have to turn pages too much during your singing. Mark clearly where you start and finish the song. Familiarize yourself with what the accompaniment sounds like. Is there an intro? Will you be asking for a bell tone? Will you be having the pianist play a couple of the notes prior to your start to bring you in? All this must be well rehearsed.
Finally, take a couple of copies of your resumes to the audition. Unless the breakdown mentions otherwise, staple with them together.
Now, take a breath. You’ve planned so much! And it’s still a decent hour.
On the day of your audition, start with a good breakfast. Not too much, but not too little. You may not be able to eat if you have to be at the audition early, so bring a snack along for the day.
Warm up time! Don't forget to have a physical warm-up before your audition. Do some stretching and some cardio to get your body ready.
Now that your body is ready, let's warm up your voice for about twenty minutes. Warm up your head voice, do some breathing exercises, and then perhaps sing your audition song.
You’re in well prepared! From the moment you walk into the building, imagine you are at a job interview. Be nice with the audition monitor and do not be rude. You never know who this person is, maybe they will pass that information back to the creative team. After getting in, you will probably know a lot of singers who will be sitting there and waiting for their turn. Try to refrain from gossiping and getting chatty with the other actors. This is your time to prepare yourself to go to that room. Whether you meditate, read a book quietly, or run your material, these can help you to focus. It is not polite to do loud vocal warm or physical warm-ups while other actors are trying to concentrate.
Now, you have well prepared for yourself, here it comes!
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Prepare for your best audition: Singer's Checklist #2
Book A Trial / 預約試堂 : / Whatsapp 9698-1248