A Song for you to start a beautiful Day - Let It Be 唱歌 - 給小朋友最大的支持
A Song for you to start a beautiful Day - Let It Be https://www.youtube.com/watchv=bWaf0uvRAeQ&list=PU3bKORvntZ5F_LMDtrZjXcQ&index=17 The greatest for the children. Let's see how a little girl Tiffany makes another big leap forward. SAYMusic 老師的陪伴是給小朋友最大的支持。一齊看看SAYMusic Tiffany 又一次的大躍進吧。 SAY老师的陪伴是给小朋友最大的支持。一齐看看SAYMusic Tiffany 又一次的大跃进吧。 https://www.singandyou.com/book-a-trial-class More music videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/singandyou Music by Sing and You and Recording Subscribe to Sing and You Music Video Channel for more YouTube kids singing to enjoy and to learn new songs www.singandyou.com Studio Experience Each of the students will be required to record a song in the studio so as to gain practical recording experience. Program Fee: Book a Trial Class at 96981248 https://www.singandyou.com/book-a-trial-class #singing, #howtosing, #singinglesson, #vocalcoach, #learntosing, #singingteacher, #singingclass, #ABRSM, #Groupsinging, #Rockschool, #DrSteve, #CelineTam, #singingschools, #vocaltraining, #singinglesson #corporatetraining #kidslearning #kidssinging #唱歌課程#唱歌課程 #學唱歌 #歌手課程培訓 #唱歌技巧班 #唱歌老師 #唱歌興趣班 #古典聲樂考試 #唱歌訓練班 #名師教唱歌 #港島區唱歌學校 #名師教唱歌 #星級唱歌老師 #兒童學唱歌老師 #港島區唱歌導師 #灣仔唱歌導師 #星級歌唱老師 #vocalcoach #singingteacher #singingclass #ABRSM #Rockschool #singingschools #vocaltraining #howtosing