How a “bad” singer can become a great singer? pt.2 五音不全如何變成K歌之王?pt.2

How a “bad” singer can become a great singer? pt.2 五音不全如何變成K歌之王?pt.2
You may have trouble matching pitch, or you are so far off from the song that you are trying to match. But remember, as human, it is very rare to be completely tone deaf. When you think you are tone deaf, chances are that you lack the muscle memory and control to link your ear to your throat. In other words, you perceive the correct pitch but your vocal cord just does not allow you to go there.
The best way to correct your pitch and tone is to start really small. Sometimes, it is easier to hum a song then to actually sing it. Compared with singing a song with a full grown voice, it is a lot easier to control your voice when you are using a small part of your vocal cord.
Imagine you are singing a lullaby, starts practising your preferred song with a hum sound, e.g. “mm”, “nye”, “hwa”, and you might just find it easier to adjust the tone.
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