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How to practice vocal harmony? pt.2 如何練和聲才不會被帶跑? pt.2

How to practice vocal harmony? #2

如何練和聲才不會被帶跑? #2

“There is music wherever there is harmony, order, or proportion.” -------Thomas Chandler Haliburton

Vocal harmony exemplifies the importance of harmony in music. The overlapping and consonance of multiple voices brings out the multiple layers of a song. It adds richness and depth to a song that would surely move your audience. However, our music mentoring experience told us that learning vocal harmony is no easy task. Very often, students are disturbed by the lead vocal and struggles to keep up with the keys of the harmony.

Singing harmony is a skill many budding young singers dream to acquire. It takes the correct methods, in addition to enough practice and time. But as a all-rounded music training center and a guardian of your dreams, we Sing and You would not live you in the muddy water! Enhance your harmony-singing skill through the following steps!

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Step 4: Turn up the main vocal’s volume gradually as you practise. If you are disturbed and led off key by a particular volume level, turn it back to the last level and practise more. When you are fully comfortable with the volume level, continue upping the main vocal’s volume. Otherwise, continue practising under the same volume level.

If you chose method 1 or 2 in step 3, just turn up your phone’s volume manually, or move the left earbud closer and closer to your left ear to achieve the effect of increasing its volume.

If you chose method 3, ask your partner to sing louder as you practise your harmony vocal alongside your partner’s voice. If he or she is your performance partner, this method would surely poses challenge on coordination and teamwork. There is also a risk of your partner getting led off by your harmony voice. In that case, try to practise your own parts separately to further familiarize yourselves. Continue the joint practice session when both are more comfortable with your respective melodies and rhythm. This way, both you and your partner could improve surely and efficiently.

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