中西樂的記譜法 Musical notation for Chinese and Western instruments
今天由見習小編為大家介紹一下中西樂記譜法的分別! 西式樂器和中式樂器對樂譜或指法的記譜方式是不同的。西方的樂譜是用五線譜,在五條線上還有一個個的音符來表達高低音和拍子快慢;而中方的樂譜則是用簡譜,即是用數字來表達音域和節奏。雖然兩者的樂譜表達手法都是十分不同,但是都是各有特色而且同一首歌都能以五線譜或簡譜表示。除了以上所述,Sing and You還會教授其他唱歌技巧,有興趣了解詳情,請致電查詢:Sing and You +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp)
Chinese musical instruments are different from the Western musical instruments in many ways. Some obvious differences include stave and numbered musical notation, fingering, musical expression, etc. Western musicians notate music using stave, composed of five horizontal lines with musical symbols on top to notate pitches and rhythms. Chinese musicians on the other hand notate music with numbers.Apart from the above skills, sing and you provide comprehensive tutorial. For further enquires, please contact Sing and You +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp).