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Speak Up Day sharing ideas is more valued | Think before you Act & Say |分享想法—正变得越来越有价值 | 三思而行 & 言 |

Speak Up Day sharing ideas is more valued | Think before you Act & Say |分享想法—正变得越来越有价值 | 三思而行 & 言 |
Speak Up Day sharing ideas is more valued | Think before you Act & Say

Speak Up Day 大声说出来日

In today’s modern world, the idea of speaking up, standing up for yourself or others, or simply sharing ideas—is becoming more valued | Think before you Act & Say |

在当今的现代世界,为自己或他人挺身而出,还是只是分享想法—正变得越来越有价值 | 三思而行 & 言 | 三思而言 |

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