8個開始唱歌的原因--8 Reasons to Start Singing

唱歌確實是有多種好處,以下就讓Sing And You為你簡單介紹;)
1) 唱歌能釋放安多芬,令人變得開心
2) 唱歌能避免孤單及悲傷的感覺
3) 唱歌能有助減壓,提升睡眠質素
4) 唱歌鼓勵心臟運動,減少心臟病危機
5) 唱歌改善站姿,使人更有自信
6) 唱歌改善免疫系統
7) 唱歌能培養良好健康的呼吸習慣
8) 唱歌刺激大腦活動,有助學習
來Sing and You學習唱歌,享受唱歌帶來的好處吧!Sing and You 唱歌學校 +852 21461188 / 96981248 (Whatsapp)
Singing releases endorphin and makes people happier
Singing releases Oxycontin and helps to get rid of depression and loneliness
Since you are less stressed, you can sleep better
Singing improves heart activity and contributes to a lower risk of heart disease
Better posture to look more confident
Singing boost your immune system
Singing helps to develop healthy breathing patterns
Singing is good for our brain
Come to Sing and You and enjoy the benefits of singing! Enquiry: 2146-1188