用丹田唱歌就是肚子要用力? Singing with the pubic region means use stomach?
很多同學,在剛開始學唱歌時,一定常聽身邊的人說:"要用肚子唱歌。" 但卻很少有人解釋什麼是用肚子唱歌,所以會以為:"想必一定是在唱歌時肚子用力囉!"我們曾經都以為,在唱歌時肚子要出力。一開始的確會覺得聲音變得穩定很多,但長時間下來,聲音會開始容易疲累,聲音變得沙啞,唱到高音越來越吃力。直到專業唱歌老師給予你一些正確的觀念後,才知道原來唱歌,肚子的肌肉是要完完全全放鬆。
想知道更多唱歌知識?打來sing and you 21461188/ 96981248(whatsapp)。
Many students would properly have heard that: "You need to use the stomach to sing." at the beginning but rarely heard someone explain how to do it, and thus began to thought that public region means use stomach to sing. We used to think that, we have to sing with stomach but with time, we’ll feel tired and the sound become hoarse. At the same time, sing the treble becomes more and more difficult for us until some professionals tell you the right way. Then, you’ll understand the right way is relax your belly muscle.
First of all, let me explain what is abdominal breathing. When we inhale with abdominal breathing, your lung is like a balloon. Exhale will make you belly becomes gradually smaller, shrink up. The abdominal breathing method increases the capacity of our breathing.
We must use the abdominal breathing when singing, or else our vocal cords will get hurt, resulting in fatigue, such as: inflammation, cocoon etc. These vocal cord lesions will make the sound more and more hoarse and you’ll feel more and more tired.
For more singing tips, contact sing and you 21461188 or 96981248(whatsapp).