The parents are very grateful to Dr. Steve for his hard work! 家長非常感激校長的用心栽培!
The parents are very grateful to Dr. Steve for his hard work! 家長非常感激校長的用心栽培!
學唱歌 - 小幸運 COVERD by SAYMusic Candy - 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learning Singing 學習唱歌
From Candy's mammy: Yes, we like it very much. Thank you Dr. Steve for your hard work. Thank you to all the teachers and staff of sing and you for your hard work!
Candy媽咪: 是的,非常喜歡,謝謝校長用心栽培,謝謝sing and you 的所有老师和职员们,辛苦啦!
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