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尋找練習的方法 Identify the appropriate vocal exercise


(2) 尋找練習的方法

歌手可以嘗試利用網絡資源,電視節目等找出不同的聲樂練習方法,並選擇最適合的一個練習。如果你不清楚你需要怎樣的一個練習,你最好找一個可靠的聲樂導師幫助你:2146-1188/ 9698-1248

Here is the second of the 6 tips to singing a piece that is really, really hard!

Step 2: Identify the appropriate vocal exercise

Identify exercises that can help you achieve the sound you have in mind. Search on YouTube and singing blogs and figure out what would work for you. If you are not sure, it’s best to seek advice from a professional vocal coach who can identify your problem area and suggest practical ways and singing exercises to help you improve. If you are not sure about what exercise to use, it’s best to seek advice from a professional vocal coach. Arrange a free trial singing lesson: 2146-1188 / 9698-1248

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