讓孩子學習音樂的好處 (二) The Benefits of Learning Music (Part 2)

讓孩子學習音樂的好處 (二)

#3. 增強孩子的IQ

令人驚訝的是,在一年級獲得音樂課的孩子的平均智商比其他兩組的高出三個智商點。參加 戲劇課的小朋友的智商並不如参加音樂班的小朋友般增加,可見戲劇在於兒童智商的幫助方面稍微落後於音樂。

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#4. 大腦的運作


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#singandyou #音樂實踐家 #DrSteve #CelineTam #譚芷昀 #香港小巨肺 #香港全美一叮 #星級歌唱老師 #港島區唱歌導師 #灣仔唱歌導師 #奧海城唱歌導師 #名師教唱歌 #星級唱歌老師 #兒童學唱歌老師 #唱歌課程 #學唱歌 #歌手課程培訓 #唱歌技巧班 #唱歌老師 #歌唱導師 #唱歌興趣班

The Benefits of Learning Music (Part 2)

#3. Increased IQ

Surprisingly, the average IQ of children who gained music lessons in the first grade was three IQ points higher than the other two. Children who participate in the drama class are not as good as the children who participate in the music class, It can clearly be seen the drama is that the help of children's IQ is slightly behind the music.

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#4. The Brain Works Harder

students, who have received music teaching, have improved their ability to distinguish sounds and perform fine motor skills. Their brain scans also show changes in the brain network associated with these abilities.


#singandyou #音樂實踐家 #DrSteve #CelineTam #譚芷昀 #香港小巨肺 #香港全美一叮 #星級歌唱老師 #港島區唱歌導師 #灣仔唱歌導師 #奧海城唱歌導師 #名師教唱歌 #星級唱歌老師 #兒童學唱歌老師 #唱歌課程 #學唱歌 #歌手課程培訓 #唱歌技巧班 #唱歌老師 #歌唱導師 #唱歌興趣班
