希望學生不只要學習歌唱技巧 Students learn not only the Singing skills

SAYMusic Yan Head Above Water

SingandYou希望學生不只要學習歌唱技巧,更希望他們能在歌曲中學習正確的人生價值觀。SAYMusic Yan 想透過“Head Above Water”告訴大家,遇到再難的困難都不應放棄,應常存希望。


Youtube: https://youtu.be/XRoCAAYa-LY

Sing and You always wants students learn not only the singing skills, but also a positive life value. Though “Head Above Water”, SAYMusic Yan wants to tell everyone that we should never give up, and stay with hope.

SingandYou希望学生不只要学习歌唱技巧,更希望他们能在歌曲中学习正确的人生价值观。 SAYMusic Yan 想透过“Head Above Water”告诉大家,遇到再难的困难都不应放弃,应常存希望。


More music videos here:https://www.youtube.com/user/singandyou

Try SAYMusic Studio Experience

Each of the students will be required to record a song in the studio so as to gain practical recording experience.


Program Fee


Book A Trial 預約試堂 : 96981248

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