Hope People in Wuhan Safe and Good Health 希望武漢人民安全健康

Flashlight COVERED by SAYMusic Jolie

Jolie's first song after 4 classes from Dr. Steve, her dream is going to sing on stage one day. Dr. Steve is sure that Flashlight is a perfect song for her to start and this song is also a flashlight to light up a way for People to walk safely with no Worry. Hope People in Wuhan safe and good health


Jolie上了Dr. Steve 四節課之後, 演唱的第一首歌,她的夢想在舞台上演唱。 Dr. Steve 確信手電筒是一首完美的歌曲,而且這首歌也是代表手電筒,為人們無憂無慮地安全行走提供了一種途徑。 希望武漢人民安全健康

Listen Jolie's flashlight: https://youtu.be/mPtLrTwbCn8

Book a 15 Minutes Vocal Trial Class by Dr. Steve (Celine Tam's Father)
https://www.singandyou.com/book-a-trial-class (Classroom in HK or Skype)

+852 96981248
