August 31- Eat Outside Day在外面吃飯日
帶你的家人去吃美食吧! Bring your family to a delicious meal! First Singing Lesson to Learn 有你就幸福 ft. AGT Celine's Father Vocal Coach Steve...
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
August 31- Eat Outside Day在外面吃飯日
August 30- Beach Day海灘日
校長的生日願望是甚麼?What is the principal Steve's birthday wish?
SAY讓你與夢想的距離越來越近 Learning in say brings you one step closer to your dream
她會是下一個ROSÉ嗎? Will she be the next ROSÉ?
數數有多少個DION! Count how many DION are there!
為甚麼要在SAY學唱歌? why you must learn singing in say?
你有唱這些歌給爸爸聽嗎?Did you sing these songs to dad?
Dion進步了多少?How much has Dion improved?
'Memories' 2X challenge 2倍速挑戰
貓也要學唱歌?Do cats learn to sing too?
故意叫錯學生的名字?calling a student by the wrong name?
學生的目標是參加AGT? Student's goal is to join AGT?
My student forgot my name我的學生忘記我的名字?!
August 16- Roller Coaster Day過山車日