用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
Vocal Coaches 導師團隊

明星歌唱老師 • pop star Master Vocal Coach
歌手藝人 • Singer & Artist
每一個人天生都擁有一把獨一無二的樂器,您是否有好好運用您的聲音? Steve利用自己過去三十年舞臺及最潮歌唱教學經驗,致力提升每一個人的歌唱、演講、溝通、舞台表現能力,將平凡變成不平凡,將不可能變成很多可能。
Every person is born with a unique instrument - human voice. Are you using your voice properly? Steve, with 30 years of stage experience and his state-of-the-artvoice coaching methodology, is dedicated to honing his students’ skills in singing, speech, communication and stage performance, turning ordinary into extraordinary and impossibilities into multiple possibilities.
Steve Tam, founder of SING AND YOU, has over 30 years of experience in personnel management, behavioral analysis, stage performance and singing competition. Integrating over 500 cases of recognizing and hiring talents with psychological studies, he has worked out his way to “pick the right man for the right job”. Therefore, his voice coaching has been a huge success and he has accumulated over 10,000 hours of teaching experience and music judging. Steve has always delivered a professional style of teaching, pinpointing key facts about selected songs and his students’ advantages. He stresses the importance of two-way communication while sharing and analyzing his stage experience as a role model for his students.

歌唱老師 • vocal coach
自 2014 年起教授我們的聲樂學生
Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2014
Bessie has graduated from the Master of Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Moreover, she has obtained the Education Diploma (Primary Education) at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, major in English and minor in music.
She has obtained the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music for the Diploma of Teaching, LRSM Flute, DipABRSM Piano and Singing.
She is currently the active members of Diocesan Alumnae Orchestra, Diocesan Alumnae Choir, Hong Kong New Chamber Choir and Bellissimo Singers.

歌唱老師 • vocal coach
自 2014 年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2014
Celina obtained her Master Degree of Arts in Music Education in 2012 and a distinction in ATCL piano examination. She won various awards in Piano Open Competition. She has solid experience in teaching children piano and singing performance. Her strong determination in teaching piano and vocal is vivid since her active participation in music production throughout her school years. She is a kid lover and enjoys teaching and playing together with young children.

歌唱教練 • vocal coach
自 2017年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2017
Born and raised in the Philippines, Jean has been singing professionally for the past 25 years and in Hong Kong for the past 5 years.
She started her career in her hometown of Cebu, before performing in Malaysia, China, Indonesia as well as Muscat, Oman.
She is a wonderful singer of many genres, but her passion will always be in Jazz, where her warm and soulful tones jump out at you the most.
A wife and a mother of two, Jean is returning to the music scene where her heart truly lies, so that she may share her love of music with others and help

歌唱老師 • vocal coach
自 2017 年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2017
Noah是一位精於聲樂,鋼琴,歌曲創作的音樂從業者。早年Noah更是SingandYou的學生, 他透過SingandYou獲得 ROCK SCHOOL 八級聲樂証書。Tim老師認為音樂對一個人的成長大有幫助,由聲樂學生成為聲樂教練讓他得到很多成長。唱歌讓他提升自信心,改善說話技巧,性格變得開朗。他希望用自己專業耐心的態度及歡樂氣氛為學生提供個人化的快樂授課環境,培養音樂興趣,實現夢想,自信地站上更廣闊的舞台。
Noah is a music practitioner who specializes in vocal, piano and songwriting. In the early years, Noah was a student of SingandYou. He obtained the ROCK SCHOOL eight-level vocal certificate through SingandYou. Noah believes that music is very helpful for a person's growth. He has gained a lots from to be no matter a student or a vocal teacher. Singing makes him improve his self-confidence, improve his speaking skills, and his personality becomes cheerful. He hopes to provide students with a personalized and happy teaching environment, cultivate music interest, realize their dreams, and confidently stand on a broader stage with their professional and patient attitude and joyful atmosphere.

歌唱老師 • vocal coach
自 2014 年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2014
Bachelor of Piano Performance
Master of Arts
" She Captured the stillness, and created beautiful atmosphere. Very musical, and moving.” … Deniz Gelenbe, judge of International Chamber Music Competition in Paris
她畢業於倫敦聖三一音樂學院鋼琴系 ,專攻古典鋼琴演奏, 副修音樂教育(Piano Pedogagy),留英期間多次獲邀於倫敦演出。 2012年成立West meet East 樂團,研究中西樂交滆,以及音樂與視覺藝術的結合。其後任多間音樂學校的課程策劃, 擁十年以上教授鋼琴及彈唱經驗。
Colleen 亦為韋啟良( 香港電影音樂金像獎得主)音樂公司旗下創作人,製作電影音樂、廣告及音樂劇,合作影星及歌手包括衛詩雅、陳家樂、洪卓立、吳浩康、湯怡等。她師承著名爵士歌手Jas,及多次受邀於書展及其他活動彈唱演出。最近監製的音樂項目包括星薈館開幕典禮,Papillon Sparkling Rainbow Charity Show, UpBeat Christmas Night。
Colleen is a classical music pianist, film music writer and Music event curator. During her time in London, she is the founder of West meet East Ensemble and curated different music shows which collaborated with visial arts. Back in Hong Kong in 2014, Colleen worked as the music course designer in different music schools.
She has over 10 years of piano and piano-vocal teaching experiences.
Colleen is also a film music and works with 2012 “Hong Kong Film Music award” winner Wai Kai Leung. She has been cooperated with different movie stars such such as Ken Hung, Maggie Shiu and Michelle Wai. Her current directed music shows include the Papillon Sparkling Rainbow Charity Show, UpBeat Christmas Night, and serveral musicals.

歌唱老師• vocal coach
自 2020年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2020
Hannah 老師致力於透過唱歌來培養下一代,以專業並有趣的歌唱方式來教授古典歌唱技巧[Bel canto] 和現代歌唱技巧,幫助學員培養音樂造詣,專業歌唱技巧和培養樂趣;藉此建立學員的自我價值和信心。
- 女高音
- 精通古典歌唱 [Bel Canto] 美聲唱法及流行歌唱風格的聲樂老師
- 英國皇家音樂學院聲樂八級 (優異)
- 英國皇家音樂學院音樂理論科五級
- 香港國際音樂學院高級文憑
- 能以流利的英語、粵語和普通話教學
Hannah committed to cultivating the next generation through singing, teaching classical singing [Bei Canto] and modern singing skills in a professional and fun way to help students develop musical attainments, singing techniques and self confidence.
- Soprano
-Vocal teacher proficient in both classical singing style [Bel Canto] and Pop singing style.
- ABRSM Performance Grade 8 in Singing [Distinction]
- ABRSM Performance Grade Grade 5 in Music theory
歌唱老師• vocal coach
自 2020年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2020
Gianna has graduated in Music from Hong Kong Baptist University, Also, she joined Marien van Nieukerken’s masterclass. Learning French diction. She has been teaching vocal since 2015 with students not only following her pop singing, but also taking ABRSM Grade 1 to 8 with distinctions
Gianna畢業於香港浸會大學音樂系,並參加了Marien van Nieukerken的大師班。學習法語詞彙。自 2015 年以來,她一直在為學生教授聲樂,很多跟隨她學習流行歌曲的學生,而且還以優異的成績考取了 ABRSM 1 至 8 年級
歌唱老師• vocal coach
自 2021年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2021
Degree in Creative Arts (Dance)
Elective: Singing:
Wesley Institute
Sydney, Australia
The highlight at Sarah's class: Kids can learn Proper English Speaking, Singing, Dancing, Stretching and Musical Instrument Crafts
歌唱老師• vocal coach
自 2022年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2022
I won a music competition in secondary school and successfully passed the eighth grade for vocals at the Royal Music Show and Competition. It can bring happiness and hope that the college will grow happier and shine on the stage.
歌唱老師• vocal coach
自 2022年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2022
Education background:
Bachelor of Art (Music Education) in Xinghai Conservatory of Music
Music Skills:
Vocal (Pop, Opera)
Piano (ABRSM Grade8 Merit)
Cello (ABRSM Grade5)
歌唱 、鋼琴老師• vocal & piano coach
自 2023年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2023
古箏、跳舞老師• guzheng & dancing coach
-八年教授古箏經驗 ,有耐心,因材施教
歌唱老師 • vocal coach
自 2019年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2019
劉麗麗老師資深聲樂教師,成功舉辦個人獨唱音樂會, 擔任中國好聲音、中國新歌聲廣東省賽評委深圳市賽月賽週賽評委,中國好童聲香港賽區評委,香港鵬城盃第三、四、五屆唱歌比賽評委,第七屆中國音樂學院考級大賽聲樂評委,中國原創好歌曲評委,深圳電視台《少兒夢想秀》聲樂專場評委,易賽小明星音樂會聲樂評委,第十一屆國際青少年藝術節深圳賽區評委,第十三屆世界華人青少年藝術節評委,新絲路新童歌中國少兒電視大賽深圳賽區評委,'青苗杯'星耀鵬城少兒電視藝術大賽評委,深圳少兒藝術節評委。並專注聲樂教育二十年,學生通過中國音樂學院美聲十級,童聲十級考試並多次獲得國內聲樂比賽鑽石獎,特金獎,金獎,深圳福田區校園十大歌手總決賽的冠軍,學生留學美國,英國,澳大利亞,德國,法國,考取韓國中央大學音樂劇專業碩士研究生,柴可夫斯基音樂學院附中,天津音樂學院,四川音樂學院等高等學府。在中國好聲音和快樂男聲節目中成績優異。多次同戴玉強,莫華倫,魏松,閻維文,殷秀梅,李雙江等歌唱家同台演出。
歌唱老師 • vocal coach
自 2024年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2024
Hi! I am Aayla and I’m a passionate singer and pianist, currently taking a music degree (BMus) at Kings College London.
Music has been an essential part of my life since the age of 5, having earned certificates from grades 1-8 for singing from ABRSM (distinction) and a diploma in piano from ARSM (merit).I am looking forward to contributing my skills and experience to my students!
Hi!我是 Aayla,一位充滿熱誠的歌手和鋼琴家,目前在倫敦國王學院攻讀音樂學位 (BMus)。
從 5 歲起,音樂就成為我生活中重要的一部分,使我獲得了 ABRSM 的 1-8 級歌唱證書 (distinction) 和 ARSM 演奏級的鋼琴文憑(merit)。我期待著為我的學生貢獻我的技能和經驗!
歌唱老師 • vocal coach
自 2024年起教授我們的聲樂學生Teaching Our Vocal Students since 2024
Amelia is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance at the University of Toronto. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Amelia has over 10 years of performance experience. She has received numerous solo awards in singing and piano at the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and has been part of various choral ensembles, such as the University of Toronto Chamber Choir. She was also chosen as the choir soloist on multiple occasions, including the 4th Vietnam International Choir Competition, the Hong Kong School Music Festival Choir Finals and the University of Toronto Choirs Annual Concert. As an aspiring educator, she is excited to help students discover their voice and nurture their passion in music through fun and interactive teaching.
We have a team of professional and experienced music teachers, who are graduates of music colleges and members of local orchestras. With a strong and award-winning background, they will adopt a vivid and flexible style of teaching, which allows students to pick up an instrument in the shortest possible time, arouses their interest in music and stretches their talent to an award-winning level.