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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam
September 20- Care For Kids Day 關愛兒童日
今天是關愛兒童日,為兒童提供一個更好、更有愛的成長環境吧! Today is Care for kids day, let’s provide a better and more loving environment for children! My Heart Will...
Australia Vocal Lesson Student got her Singing Contest Trophy澳大利亞聲樂課學生獲得了她的歌唱比賽獎杯
Australia Vocal Lesson Student got her Singing Contest Trophy 澳大利亞聲樂課學生獲得了她的歌唱比賽獎杯 Advance Australia Fair by SAYMusic Australia Kaitlyn...
September 18- Locate An Old Friend Day尋找老朋友日
趁着尋找老朋友日,跟很久沒有見面的朋友見面吧! Meet friends you haven't seen in a long time on Locate An Old Friend Day! How to Sing Amazing Grace ft. AGT...
September 17- Dance Day舞蹈日
今天是舞蹈日,聽着你喜歡的歌跳舞吧! Today is Dance day, let's dance to your favourite song! D Billions - My Name Is (Lyrics) "My name is Chicky!" [Dion...
September 16- Teenager Workout Day青少年鍛煉日
多做運動對唱歌好啊! 大家都要多做運動,維持健康的生活! Doing more exercise is good for singing! Everyone should do more exercise to maintain a healthy life! How to...
September 15- Online Learning Day網上學習日
SAY除了提供面授課堂,亦提供網課! In addition to providing face-to-face classes, SAY also provides online classes! How to Sing 莫文蔚 Karen Mok 這世界那麼多人 ft....
September 14- Coloring Day 填色日
今天是填色日,一起看看Celine的作品吧! Today is coloring day, let's take a look at Celine's work together! Celine: I want to be an artist! Footage of...
September 13- International Chocolate Day國際朱古力日
今天是國際朱古力日! 但是多吃甜食對唱歌不好,所以不要吃太多啊! Today is International Chocolate Day! But eating too much sweets is bad for singing, so don't eat too...
September 12- Day of Encouragement 鼓勵日
學生們唱歌好聽嗎? 在留言區留下鼓勵的說話吧! Do SAY students sing well? Leave encouraging words in the comment box! How to Sing Memories ft. AGT Celine's...
September 11- Hug Your Hound Day擁抱你的獵犬日
各位主人要好好照顧自己的寵物啊! Owners, take good care of your pets! 有你就幸福 by SAYMusic Finlay ft. AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌...
September 10- Mid-Autumn Festival中秋節
今天是中秋節! 你打算怎樣慶祝? Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival! How are you going to celebrate? Talking to the Moon SAYMusic Phaethon ft. AGT Celine's...
September 9- Sudoku Day數獨日
你有玩過數獨嗎? 它是一個益智的遊戲! Have you ever played Sudoku? It's a puzzle game! Maroon 5 - Memories by SAYMusic Raphael ft. AGT Celine's Father,...
Celine的一口氣有多長?How long can Celine hold her breath?
一起看看Celine和爸爸的練習片段吧! Check out Celine and Dad's practice clip together! Practise with Celine! How long can you hold your breath?...
Celine Tam 幾歲開始夢想成為一名歌手?At what age did Celine Tam start dreaming of becoming a singer?
Celine Tam從小就跟爸爸學唱歌, 猜猜她從幾歲開始夢想成為一名歌手吧! Celine Tam has been learning to sing from her father since she was a child, guess at what age did...
September 8- School Pictures Day學校拍照日
開學了! 你在學校拍了班相了嗎? A new semester has started! Did you take a class photo at school? A Whole New World SAYMusic Alexa ft. AGT Celine's...
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