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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam

Don't be afraid setbacks in the process of realizing your dream! 在實現夢想的過程中不要害怕挫折!
Don't be afraid setbacks in the process of realizing your dream! 在實現夢想的過程中不要害怕挫折! 淋雨一直走 COVERED by SAYMusic Annie...

Expanding children's horizons through studying abroad is essential to their growth! 海外升學對擴闊視野和成長十分重要
Expanding children's horizons through studying abroad is essential to their growth! 海外升學對擴闊小朋友的視野和成長十分重要! 我是一隻小小烏 COVERED by SAYMusic...

The happiness of children is invaluable! 小朋友的幸福是無價的!
The happiness of children is invaluable, parents would feel satisficed simultaneously! 小朋友的幸福是無價的,家長亦會感到無比滿足! 我是一隻小小烏 COVERED by...

Tomorrow will be another better day. never give up 明天將是另一個更好的一天。永不放棄
Tomorrow will be another better day. never give up 明天將是另一個更好的一天。永不放棄 Tomorrow COVERED by SAYMusic United States Bianca ...

線上聲樂學習唱歌,全新設計在線音樂視頻網上唱歌系統,試吓啦 Online Vocal Learning works, new designed Online Music Video, Try Now
Online Vocal Learning works, new designed Online Music Video, Try Now 線上聲樂學習唱歌,全新設計在線音樂視頻網上唱歌系統,試吓啦 愛你一萬年 SAYMusic Indonesia Pujiono...

Adult come to school to learn singing, 1 month of vocal learning, sing good 大人也來學校學習唱歌,1個月的學習,唱歌好
Adult also come to vocal school to learn singing, only 1 month of vocal learning, sing good keep it up 大人也來學校學習唱歌,1個月的學習,唱歌好 海鷗 COVERED...

Good way to have a fast improvement in singing skills 快速提高歌唱技巧的好方法
When You Believe Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston ft. Solo Cover Song by SAYMusic Australia Kaitlyn Good way...

Kids always sing this song, Japanese kids version not common on youtube 學生喜歡唱這首歌,日語版在YouTube不常見
Into The Unknown [Japanese) - イントゥ・ジ・アンノウン~心のままに (アナと雪の女王2 MV フルバージョン) by SAYMusic Keyola Kids always sing...

Passion in Singing, Singing makes People Happy, Not just Kids歌唱中的激情,歌唱使人快樂,不僅僅是孩子
Passion in Singing, Singing makes People Happy, Not just Kids 歌唱中的激情,歌唱使人快樂,不僅僅是孩子 Watch SAYMusic Joy,...

Funny Singing Auditions that Makes Student Fill With Happiness in Class by Vocal Coach Steve有趣的唱歌試鏡,通過唱歌老師史蒂夫讓學生在課堂上充滿快樂...

Only 30 minutes vocal class, student singing skills improved 50%在聲樂課上練習30分鐘後,學生的歌唱技巧提高了50%
Only 30 minutes in vocal class, student singing skills improved more than 50% 在聲樂課上練習30分鐘後,學生的歌唱技巧提高了50%以上 Vocal Coach AGT Celine's...

SAYMusic Student wants to motivate everyone - Things will be Overcome 我的唱歌學生 - 想要激勵大家 - 永不放棄
SAYMusic Student wants to motivate everyone - Things will be Overcome 我的唱歌學生 - 想要激勵大家 - 永不放棄 Overcome - Angelic Hale COVERED by...

父親 COVERED by SAYMusic Annie
父親 COVERED by SAYMusic Annie Watch SAYMusic Annie other music videos:

let's pray for world peace, a song about the war by one of my vocal school students 我的聲樂學生一首關於戰爭的歌
Nowadays war seems getting anytime. let's pray for world peace, a song about the war by one of my vocal school students 如今,戰爭似乎隨時都在發生。...

Vocal Coach Reacts Cover Song Dreamer - No Dejes De Soñar by Charlotte Summers coming in 2 hours
Song React on Charlotte Summers coming in 2 hours Vocal Coach Steve Reacts Charlotte Summers's Dreamer - No Dejes De Soñar on...
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