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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam

How Far I’ll Go | 歌唱學校學生 SAYMUSIC Emma | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach |How Far I’ll Go | Singing School Student Emma | Singing Competition | Vocal Teacher | Vocal Coach |
How Far I’ll Go | 歌唱學校學生 SAYMUSIC Emma | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach | How Far I’ll Go | Singing School Student Emma | Singing Competition...

Master The Art Of Performing "heather" With These Vocal Tips!透過這些聲樂技巧掌握表演「heather」的藝術
Master The Art Of Performing "heather" With These Vocal Tips! 透過這些聲樂技巧掌握表演「heather」的藝術 流行歌唱班 - 專業聲樂課程 -...

How Far I’ll Go | 歌唱學校學生 SAYMusic Alexa | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach |
How Far I’ll Go | 歌唱學校學生 SAYMusic Alexa | 唱歌比賽 | 聲樂老師 | Vocal Coach | How Far I’ll Go | Singing School Student SAYMusic Alexa | Singing...

World Water Day How Far I'll Go | Celine Tam | Live Performance Cover | Asian Academy Creative Awards |我會走多遠 | 譚芷昀 | 現場表演封面 |亞洲學院創意獎 |
World Water Day 世界水日 Ensuring the purity of this essential life source, a foundation for health and vitality, is a solemn duty for...

Speak Up Day sharing ideas is more valued | Think before you Act & Say |分享想法—正变得越来越有价值 | 三思而行 & 言 |
Speak Up Day 大声说出来日 In today’s modern world, the idea of speaking up, standing up for yourself or others, or simply sharing ideas—is...

Amazing 9 Year Old Girl Perform How Far I'll Go | Celine Tam | Ellen Show | AGTAuditions | #shorts |
Amazing 9 Year Old Girl Perform How Far I'll Go | Celine Tam | Ellen Show | AGTAuditions | #shorts | 可愛小女孩九歲揚威海外為中國人民們爭光 | How Far I'll...

How far you’ll go when facing a delicious peppermint patty!? 面對美味可口的薄荷餡餅時,你會走多遠呢?
How far I’ll go covered by SAYMusic Emma ft. AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve 唱歌老師 - 學唱歌

Don't Underestimate The Power of Encouragement!It Helps You Succeed and Keep You Going別低估鼓勵的力量,它助人成功
Don't Underestimate The Power of Encouragement!It Helps You Succeed and Keeps You Going別低估鼓勵的力量,它助人成功 Moana How Far I Go Covered by...

Follow Your Heart of Singing,You'll Be Amazed By How Far You'll Go跟隨你的歌唱的心,你會驚訝你會走多遠
Follow Your Heart of Singing,You'll Be Amazed By How Far You'll Go跟隨你的歌唱的心,你會驚訝你會走多遠 Moana How Far I Go Covered by SAYMusic Hillary...

Moana How Far I Go Covered by SAYMusic Hillary
Moana How Far I Go Covered by SAYMusic Hillary Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:

Everybody In This World Has a Role,Yours Might Be Singing to Spread Joy這個世界上的每個人都有一個角色,你的可能就是唱歌,傳播歡樂
Everybody In This World Has a Role,Yours Might Be Singing to Spread Joy這個世界上的每個人都有一個角色,你的可能就是唱歌,傳播歡樂 學唱歌 - How Far I'll Go by SAYMUSIC...

How Far I'll Go by SAYMUSIC Emma
學唱歌 - How Far I'll Go by SAYMUSIC Emma ft. Vocal Coach Lesson by Steve Tam Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:...

Eyes on Your Singing Goal,Don't Focus on the Hours of Your Hard Work著眼於您的歌唱目標,別斟酌於曾用來努力的時間
Eyes on Your Singing Goal,Don't Focus on the Hours of Your Hard Work著眼於您的歌唱目標,別斟酌於曾用來努力的時間 學唱歌 - How Far I'll Go by SAYMUSIC Canada Kara...

I Have a Great Singing Voice Because I Worked For It!我有一把動人的歌聲因為我有努力過!
I Have a Great Singing Voice Because I Worked For It!我有一把動人的歌聲因為我有努力過! This is adorable! Great Job Emma!超級可愛! Emma 唱得很好啊! To Emma's...

You'll be Surprised with How Far You'll Go for Singing!你會對你為唱歌付出的一切感到驚訝
You'll be Surprised with How Far You'll Go for Singing!你會對你為唱歌付出的一切感到驚訝 學唱歌 - How Far I'll Go by SAYMUSIC Canada Kara - 跟AGT Celine's...
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