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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam

AGT Celine's Father Vocal School Singing Summer Program Early Admission 35% OFF 學唱歌暑期課程提前報名團購大優惠
Sing and You Music Center Singing Summer Program Early Admission 35% OFF

5 Keys to a Powerful Voice That Won’t Burn Out #3
5 Keys to a Powerful Voice That Won’t Burn Out #3 5個令聲音強大但不會輕易疲勞過度的關鍵 #3 The keys to a powerful voice that won’t burn out are all about...

5 Keys to a Powerful Voice That Won’t Burn Out #2
5 Keys to a Powerful Voice That Won’t Burn Out #2 5個令聲音強大但不會輕易疲勞過度的關鍵 #2 The keys to a powerful voice that won’t burn out are all about...

大優惠 - 兒童暑期迷你音樂會唱歌班 Summer Singing Course
大優惠 - 兒童暑期迷你音樂會唱歌班 12 小時校長一對一親自上課錄歌及後期修音 (表演課程包括三首歌曲音樂視頻Music Video製作) 迷你音樂會 x 3首歌演唱表演,將於2020年7月中旬或8月下旬在灣仔展覽中心/購物中心進行(展覽中心的配額有限,請立即提交...

3 Mindset that you should process on your journey of learning singing #3
3 Mindset that you should process on your journey of learning singing #3 學習唱歌的路上必備的3個心理素質 #3 On the journey of achieving your music...

5 Keys to a Powerful Voice That Won’t Burn Out #1
5 Keys to a Powerful Voice That Won’t Burn Out #1 5個令聲音強大但不會輕易疲勞過度的關鍵#1 The keys to a powerful voice that won’t burn out are all about...

暑假大型表演機會來了Summer Kids Singing Performance on Big Stage
Performance Group Class for July performance Chance is coming!!!! Want to perform on a big stage at wanchai exhibition centre? Join us...

Dr. Steve's reaction video for Celine Tam's new cover song "Listen"
Have you ever watched new cover song “Listen” from Celine? Today, Dr. Steve make a reaction video of Celine’s new cover song. Let’s see...

SAYMusic Annie's Singing Performance
Annie sabg “You Raise Me Up” for the opening performance last week. Dr Steve always let his students to go on a bigger stage. Full Video:...

Kaitlyn, Dr. Steve’s student from Australia.
This is Kaitlyn, Dr. Steve’s student from Australia. She just finished her first MV with Dr. Steve. You wanna ask, How can Kaitlyn make...

2020 Summer Course is here !!!!!!
**(Get up to 30% discount before 31May)** **(5月31號前報名, 最高可獲7折優惠)** It’s SUMMER TIME!!!! Don’t want to waste your summer? Wanna enjoy your...

3 Mindset that you should process on your journey of learning singing #3
3 Mindset that you should process on your journey of learning singing #3 學習唱歌的路上必備的3個心理素質 #3 On the journey of achieving your music...

5 Keys to a Powerful Voice That Won’t Burn Out #5
5 Keys to a Powerful Voice That Won’t Burn Out #5 5個令聲音強大但不會輕易疲勞過度的關鍵 #5 The keys to a powerful voice that won’t burn out are all about...

3 Mindset that you should process on your journey of learning singing #2
3 Mindset that you should process on your journey of learning singing #2 學習唱歌的路上必備的3個心理素質 #2 On the journey of achieving your music...

Give your dream of singing everything you have got! #2
Give your dream of singing everything you have got! #2 盡你所能給予你的唱歌夢想你的所有!#2 Music is never going to go away, same goes to singing. You...
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