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用音樂傳遞愛 • Spread Love with Music
Founder 創辦人
Steve Tam
Singing Classes Hong Kong
Global Online Singing Classes
小巨肺 譚芷昀
Celine Tam

Music Video Course - The Studio Experience (4 hours)個人音樂視頻課程 (4小時)#暑期班
Music Video Course - The Studio Experience (4 hours) 個人音樂視頻課程 (4小時) 課程內容 挑選任何你個人最喜歡的歌曲,4小時內學習及灌錄一首樂曲,在過程中提升歌...

我是歌手班 ft. AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve #學唱歌 #唱歌比賽
I am Singer Class 我是歌手班 ft. AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve #學唱歌 #唱歌比賽 每課均教唱導師精選之中文流行歌曲,英文歌或任何你個人最喜歡的歌曲,即時講解感情、台風處理及聲音控制等演繹方法。...

歌手席琳-迪翁的病情疑似有所恶化?Celine Dion was seriously ill and paralyzed in bed?
According to Canadian media reports, the well-known singer Celine Dion's condition was suspected to have worsened. The concert originally...

上音樂課時走進了獅子王的國度⁉️🦁Accidentally walked into Lion King’s
I Just Can't Wait To Be King Ft. Steve Tam - Celine's Vocal Coach 學唱歌 Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:...

顫音可加強唱歌感情⁉️快跟校長一起試試吧!Improve Singing emotions through Vibrato‼️Let’s try it together 🔥
How to Sing I Know Where I've Been - Singing Lesson ft. Vocal Coach Steve Tam Parent...

芭比女孩變成媽媽男孩⁉️ 唱歌給你們的媽媽吧‼️Barbie Girl to Mammy Boy⁉️ Sing to your mommy and be her boy❤️
芭比女孩變成媽媽男孩⁉️ 唱歌給你們的媽媽吧‼️ Barbie Girl to Mammy Boy⁉️ Sing to your mommy and be her boy❤️ Barbie Girl (Mammy Boy) covered by SAYMusic...

女性也可以💁♀️!藉着這次機會好好展示自己吧‼️ Proud to be a woman! Let’s sing to showcase your talent
女性也可以💁♀️!藉着這次機會好好展示自己吧‼️ Proud to be a woman! Let’s sing to showcase your talent🔥 月亮代表我的心covered by SAYMusic Zuzanna 跟AGT Celine's...

唱歌課變魔術課?Dr Steve is doing magic tricks in singing lessons?
Lemon Tree Covered by SAYMusic Jeremy ft. - AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌 Parent...

兒歌都可以唱出感情?How to sing emotionally at a young age?‼️
Children Singing The Beatles' 'Yellow Submarine ft. AGT Celine's Father, Vocal Coach Steve 學唱歌

唱歌學生字?Learning words through Singing?
唱歌學生字?Learning words through Singing? 剛學會說話的孩子通常把他們的需求和感受與情況聯繫起來,以便理解詞彙及其用法。就如他們口渴的時候會說「杯杯」。同時, 這也意味著他們餓了或者想玩。小孩可通過唱歌在歌曲中學會不同字彙,更有效地表態他們的...

我都可以成為下一個茉莉公主⁉️I can be the next Jasmine⁉️🧞♂️
Speechless covered by Annie SAYMusic 跟AGT Celine's Vocal Coach Steve Learning Singing 學習唱歌

若然抱着希望,你一定可以的!🔥Be Positive ‼️You will see the light if you trust it!
若然抱着希望,你一定可以的!🔥 Be Positive ‼️You will see the light if you trust it! I See the Light you covered by SAYMusic Kate 跟AGT Celine's Vocal...

上唱歌課時笑的秘密⁉️ Why students are laughing during singing lessons? Any secrets⁉️
上唱歌課時笑的秘密⁉️ Why students are laughing during singing lessons? Any secrets⁉️ Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:

如何用唱歌擄獲媽媽的心?How to captivate your mother's heart with singing?
如何用唱歌擄獲媽媽的心?How to captivate your mother's heart with singing? Parent Testimonials 家長心聲:...
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